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Early printings of the course guide did not include sample responses for each modeling prompt. To access these, visit the modeling prompt pages online (link).

In the Course Guide, under Scope and Sequence, the Pacing Guide for Algebra 1 Unit 4 was edited to indicate that none of the lessons in that unit are optional.

Modeling Prompt "Critically Examining National Debt," Task 2. Clarified question 1 to "Find and graph data for the U.S. debt every other year, from 1987 through 2017."

Unit 1, Check Your Readiness, Problem 6. The solution for part b is updated to 1.92 degrees Celsius.

Unit 1, Lesson 3, Cool-down. In the solution, changed Q1 to 40.

Unit 1, Lesson 4, Student Lesson Summary. In this sentence, changed the last "dot plot" to "box plot:" "Again, the dot plot provides a greater level of detail about the shape of the distribution than either the histogram or the box plot."

Unit 1, Lesson 4, Practice Problem 4. Updated the image for 2 so that Q1 is 32.

Unit 1, Lesson 5, Cool-down. The solution for the IQR is 12.5.

Unit 1, Lesson 11, Lesson Summary. In the paragraph after the box plots, corrected the IQR of the second situation by "The IQR of the first distribution is 14 cm and 10 cm for the second data set."

Unit 1, Lesson 12, Activity 2. In the solution for partner 1 given condition 3, the data set should be : 0.7, 1.4, 2.1, 2.8, 3.5, 4.2, 4.9, 5.6, 6.3, 7.

Unit 1, Lesson 13, Practice Problem 2. Updated the second sentence of the solution to, "The width of most of the fabric is between 22.94 and 23.06 millimeters."

Unit 1, Lesson 14, Activity 3. The last question is corrected to say 11 groups.

Unit 1, Lesson 14, Student Lesson Summary. Corrected median to mean for the sentence, "These measures of center and variability are much more resistant to change than the mean and standard deviation."

Unit 1, Lesson 16, Practice Problems 4 and 5. The solutions used median to compute boundary values for outliers. The statements and solutions are updated to include values for quartiles and use them in the solution explanations.

Unit 2, Lesson 1, Practice Problem 3. The solution fractions were inverted. The correct answer is \(\frac{C}{20}\).

Unit 2, Lesson 2, Practice Problem 6. Updated the solution to b to, "...because the value of 100 skews the mean, but not the median."

Unit 2, Lesson 3, Practice Problems 3, 4, and 9. The solution for problem 3 is \(t = 48c\). The solution for problem 4 is \(32b = q\). The solution to problem 9 part a is \(D = \frac{500}{40}\).

Unit 2, Lesson 4, Activity 3. The solution for 1 was numbered incorrectly. The solution should be 1a. No, 1b. Yes, 1c. No.

Unit 2, Lesson 5, Activity 3. The solutions in the digital version of the activity were numbered incorrectly. This has been fixed.

Unit 2, Lesson 5, Cool-down. The third question referred to "teaspoons" instead of "tablespoons." This has been corrected.

Unit 2, Lesson 5, Practice Problem 8. The solutions had the variables reversed.

Unit 2, Lesson 8, Practice problem 10. The last line of Han's solution changed to \(6 = 5\). The responses for C and D changed to \(x = 6\) and \(x = 5\) respectively.

Unit 2, Lesson 9, Activity 3. The responses for questions 1 and 2 now correctly uses 36,000 for the average worker salary. The equations in the synthesis are updated to match.

Unit 2, Lesson 11, Lesson Synthesis. The third bullet about the vertical intercept should say \((0,12)\) and \(y = 12\) instead of 18.

Unit 2, Lesson 12, Practice Problem 7. In the second bullet answer, the slope should be \(\frac{-2}{3}\) and \(v = \frac{-4}{6}c + \frac{80}{6}\).

Unit 2, Lesson 15, Activity 1. Updated solution to the first bullet of 2, "...or \(51 + 10 = 61\) or \(61 = 61\)."

Unit 2, Lesson 15, Activity 3. Solutions are updated. 1b is "The solutions to \(8c + m = 178.50\) are all possible combinations of unit prices for the two items that make a total of \$178.50 when buying 8 calculators and 1 measuring tape." and for 3c the dollar amount is \$673.50.

Unit 2, Lesson 15, Practice Problem 3. Corrected part b to read, "Explain why it makes sense that this pair of values is also a solution to the equation \(265a+115s=2,\!430\).

Unit 2, Lesson 15, Practice Problem 4. Removed extra "the" from choice A.

Unit 2, Lesson 15, Lesson synthesis. For the second discussion question, changed the coordinate pair to \((2,3)\).

Unit 2, Lesson 16, Practice Problem 4. Choice F is not a correct solution.

Unit 2, Lesson 17, Lesson Summary. In the second bullet after the graphs, "Rearranging \(6x + 8y = 16\) gives \(y = 16 - \frac{6x}{8}\)..."

Unit 2, Lesson 17, Practice Problem 1. In the second sample explanation for 2, "...\(y = 3x - 17\) and \(y = \frac{-1}{4}x + \frac{5}{2}\)..."

Unit 2, Lesson 17, Practice Problem 2. In the sample response for 2, "...I end up with the equation \(\text{-}3 = 1\)..."

Unit 2, Lesson 18, Activity 2. In the fourth bullet of the solution, "...must be at least \(\frac{1}{20}\) of the number..."

Unit 2, Lesson 18, Activity 3. In the activity synthesis, the paragraph after the bullets, both equations should use \(\leq\).

Unit 2, Lesson 18, Practice Problem 2. Choices A and E did not render correctly. They should be A. \(5<n<8\) and E. \(10 < c< 16\)

Unit 2, Lesson 18, Practice problem 4. In the solution, changed \(w \ge 12\) to \(w \ge 36\).

Unit 2, Lesson 18, Practice problem 8. The solution is choice C.

Unit 2, Lesson 19, Activity 3. The solutions for questions 2 and 3 were opposite of their correct solutions. The hotel pays better for fewer hours. Graph B goes with Inequality 1.

Unit 2, Lesson 19, Practice Problem 7. The first question now defines \(q\) as the number of quarters instead of defining \(d\) for the number of dimes. The solution for 2 should use \((20,7)\).

Unit 2, Lesson 19, Practice Problem 8. In the second bullet of the solution, the second equation should be \(3y + 2x = 12\).

Unit 2, Lesson 20, Activity 3. When Andre is testing a value, the last line is updated to \(19 < 14\). In the solution to 2, the variables are updated to the correct letters: \(p, x, n,\) and \(c\), respectively. 

Unit 2, Lesson 20, Activity 4. The solution to 3 is now correct as \(x \leq 2\) and the number line for choice B is updated to reflect this. The solution to 6 is now correct as \(x \geq 2\) and the number line for choice C is updated to reflect this.

Unit 2, Lesson 21, Activity 2. In the activity synthesis, the graph for \(\text{-}2 \geq \text{-}4\) has been updated to show the boundary at \(y = 2\).

Unit 2, Lesson 21, Practice Problem 3. The solution to the first part should read, "Sample responses: \((5,10), (\frac13,3), (\text-3,\text-2)\)."

Unit 2, Lesson 22, Activity 3. The solution to 1b is updated to a combination of items that makes more than \$100.

Unit 2, Lesson 22, Activity 4. The solutions to 4b and 4c are updated. 4b is 1,600 tickets and 16 concerts. 4c is 2,500 tickets and 10 concerts.

Unit 2, Lesson 22, Practice Problem 4. Changed the solution to the second part: "See graph. A solution represents a number of dimes and a number of quarters that together are worth \$8.50 or more." In the soltuojn to c, the second inequality is \(q \leq \frac{6}{0.25}\).

Unit 2, Lesson 22, Practice Problem 6. In the solution for 2, the second explanation should read, "...cannot equal both 4.05 and 4.5."

Unit 2, Lesson 22, Lesson Summary. Corrected 3 mentions of "pounds" to "kilograms."

Unit 2, Lesson 23, Activity 2. The solution for Advertising Packages part 2d was incorrect. It has been corrected to, "The agency needs to sell more than 35 basic packages." In the solution for Concert Tickets, part 2b is updated to, "The ticket sales would be 15,500, which is more than 14,000."

Unit 2, Lesson 23, Practice Problem 9. Changed the first sentence of the solution to "\((1.5,\text-4)\) is a solution but \((4,\text-4)\) is not a solution."

Unit 2, Lesson 24, Practice Problem 9. In the solution to c, the first sentence should say, "...with a perimeter of exactly 100."

Unit 2, Lesson 25, Activity 2. Are You Ready for More? solution: Each inequality should use \(\leq\) or \(\geq\).

Uniy 2, Lesson 26, Practice Problem 1. The solution for the first question now correctly uses \$16 instead of \$18.

Unit 2, Lesson 26, Practice Problem 3. The first inequality is now given as strictly greater than and the second inequality uses less than or equal to.

Unit 2, Lesson 26, Practice Problem 4. Changed order of answer choices so that the solution is correct.

  1. \(2x-5y\ge20\)
  2. \(5x+2y\ge20\)
  3. \(4x-10y\le20\)
  4. \(4x-5y\ge20\)
  5. \(2x+10y\le20\)

Unit 2, Mid-Unit Assessment, Problem 3. In the choices, changed all instances of "students" to "children" to match the problem statement.

Unit 3, Lesson 1, Activity 1. In the solution to 3, the equation should be \(45 - 30 = 15\).

Unit 3, Lesson 1, Activity 3. The response for question 2 is corrected to 10%.

Unit 3, Lesson 1, Practice Problem 1. The total for the grade 8 row is corrected to 39.

Unit 3, Lesson 2, Activity 2. The sample response for question 1 now correctly uses \(\frac{54}{96}\) to get 56%.

Unit 3, Lesson 2, Lesson Summary. The expression after the first table is updated to \(3 + 9+27+33+36+12\).

Unit 3, Lesson 3, Activity 3. The first sentence of the solution to 3 is updated to, "In the first table, there is an association because most of the people from the North and South do not enjoy skiing when compared to those in the West."

Unit 3, Lesson 3, Lesson Summary. In the first table, the second row total should be 26.

Unit 3, Lesson 4, Activity 2. The solution for question 6 is 10.6 kilograms because \(2.6 + 40 \boldcdot 0.2 = 10.6\).

Unit 3, Lesson 5, Activity 1. In the activity synthesis, the first paragraph is updated with, "...except for the last two graphs..."

Unit 3, Lesson 5, Activity 2. Updated solutions to 1. 1a. B, E, A and F, C, D and G as well as a note about where there may be discussion, 1b. E, B, A and F, C, 1b. and 1c. added the sentence, "D and G do not have linear models that fit the data well."

Unit 3, Lesson 5, Activity 3. The first sentence of the launch is updated to clarify, "...the cards from the previous activity that were fit well with a linear model." Each the tables say what card it corresponds to (A with card A, B with card B, C with card C, D with card E, and E with card F).

Unit 3, Lesson 6, Activity 3. The points for graph L were reflected over the \(x\)-axis. The cards for B and G are updated to more closely fit the best fit line and correct residuals The blackline master has been corrected. Corrected Are You Ready for More solution to 1a to reference the values 3 and 34.

Unit 3, Lesson 7, Activity 2. Graph J in the synthesis is updated to have the correct correlation coefficient \(r = \text{-}0.96\). Graph H in the synthesis is now correctly listed with a negative slope.

Unit 3, Lesson 7, Practice Problem 2. Corrected the statement to, "The correlation coefficient, \(r\), is given for several different data sets. Which value for \(r\) indicates the strongest correlation?"

Unit 3, Lesson 8, Activity 3. Are You Ready for More? Solution for 1 has \(r = 0.76\). Solution for 4c has the equation \(y = \text{-}14.187x+4071.1\) Instructions for 4b updated to "Can you change two values..." Instructions for 4c updated to, "By leaving \((288,180)\), can you change a value to get..."  

Unit 3, Lesson 8, Practice Problem 5. The solution for the residuals should be 0.087 and -0.033.

Unit 3, Lesson 8, Practice Problem 6. Corrected the statement to, "The correlation coefficient, \(r\), is given for several different data sets. Which value for \(r\) indicates the weakest correlation?"

Unit 3, Lesson 8, Practice Problem 7. Corrected to, "Which of the following is the best estimate of the correlation coefficient for the data shown in the scatter plot?"

Unit 3, Lesson 10, Practice Problem 4. The solution to d should use -2.88 instead of -2.77.

Unit 3, Lesson 10, Practice Problem 5. The solution for the residuals should be 2,069.23, -4,350.77, and 1,747.23.

Unit 3, End of Unit Assessment, Problem 2. Updated choice E to, "...for a person who is about 8,987 years old." (Does not affect the solution)

Unit 4, Lesson 1, Practice Problem 3. The solution should not include choice E.

Unit 4, Lesson 2, Practice Problem 7. In the solution for a, "Multiplying the first equation by 3 and the second equation by 5 gives..."

Unit 4, Lesson 5, Activity 2. Are You Ready for More? Solution updated to "...over the 2 gigabyte allowance plus a \$46 fee." In the Anticipated Misconception, switched references to \(A\) and \(B\) throughout.

Unit 4, Lesson 6, Activity 1. The solution to 2 is \(d(12) = 0.9\). The solution to 3 is closer to 11. In the synthesis, updated the last sentence of the first paragraph and the second bullet to describe Diego walking home from school.

Unit 4, Lesson 6, Lesson Summary. Corrected a mention of "feet" to "meters" to match the situation.

Unit 4, Lesson 7, Student Lesson Summary. One of the average rate of changes incorrectly showed that \(\frac{30-45}{6} = \frac{\text{-}15}{2}\). This has been corrected to \(\frac{\text{-}15}{6}\).

Unit 4, Lesson 7, Activity 3. Replaced the fraction \(\frac{17}{4}\) with \(\frac{17}{40}\) in the sample response for 1a.

Unit 4, Lesson 8, Practice Problem 7. The solution for the second question is \(t = 2\) instead of \(t = 4\).

Unit 4, Lesson 8, Lesson Summary. Change the last bullet to, "the amount of time the hiker was hiking."

Unit 4, Lesson 12, Activity 3. The solution for the second question now correctly states that the maximum number of hours is 12. In the Activity Synthesis, the third bullet now says, "...followed by a horizontal line all the way to \((240,15)\), without..."

Unit 4, Lesson 12, Practice Problem 5. Updated solution to b to, "Between 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. the temperature changed more quickly. Sample reasoning: Between 10:00 a.m. and noon, the temperature changed about 10 degrees compared to the 13 degree change between 8:00 and 10:00pm. Both temperature changes occurred over two hours."

Unit 4, Lesson 12, Lesson Synthesis. The fourth bullet should be, "What is \(C(0.5)\)? (\$3) What about \(C(2)\)? (\$10.00)"

Unit 4, Lesson 13, Lesson Summary. Just before the last graph is says, "Notice that all the errors are still non-negative. If we plot these points on a coordinate plane, they are also on or above the horizontal line and form a V shape."

Unit 4, Lesson 14, Activity 3. In the digital version, the solution to question 2 should reference \(b > 0\).

Unit 4, Lesson 14, Activity 4. Equation 5 is corrected to \(y = \lvert x + 3 \rvert - 6\) to accurately match the graph given.

Unit 4. Lesson 14, Lesson Summary. The last sentence is updated to reference functions \(p\) and \(q\).

Unit 4, Lesson 15, Practice Problem 5. The prompt about the slide is updated to, "The height of your shoes above the ground..."

Unit 4, Lesson 16, Practice Problem 8. In the solution to part d, changed \(11 \le t \le 4.5\) to \(11 \le t \le 14.5\).

Unit 4, Lesson 16, Lesson Synthesis. Updated the first paragraph to, "Display for all to see the equations representing the temperature function and that for its inverse."

Unit 4, Lesson 17, Activity 2. As part of the solution to the first two questions of the "Are You Ready For More?" section, the value 0.12 should be used instead of 12.

Unit 4, Lesson 17, Activity 3. Clarified question 4 to read, in part, "What equation could be written to help us find the years that correspond to those percentages?"

Unit 4, Lesson 17, Practice Problem 5. Updated the description of the formula for clarity by adding bulleted steps.

Unit 4, Lesson 18, Activity 3. Clarified question 2b with, "What do you notice from the images about the change..."

Unit 4, Check Your Readiness, Problem 6. Solution to 2 refers to 6 p.m.

Unit 4, Mid-Unit Assessment, Problem 2. Choice C is updated to \(d(90) < d(160)\).

Unit 4, End of Unit Assessment, Problem 3. Updated the first sentence of the statement to, "Here is the graph that represents a function." (Does not affect the solution.)

Unit 5, Lesson 1, Activity 2. Solution to 3 updated to, "Purse A will have \(1,\!000 + 30 \boldcdot 200\) or \$7,000, which is much less..."

Unit 5, Lesson 1, Activity 3. For the last 2 questions, the switch occurs at day 19, not day 18.

Unit 5, Lesson 5, Activity 2. Are You Ready for More? Solution updated calculations to \(240 \boldcdot \left( \frac{1}{3} \right)^6 \approx 0.329\) and \(240 \boldcdot \left( \frac{1}{3} \right)^7 \approx 0.110\).

Unit 5, Lesson 5, Practice Problem 1. The solution for parts b, c, and d used an incorrect equation. The solutions and graph have been updated.

Unit 5, Lesson 5, Practice Problem 6. For clarity, the last question is updated to, "At the beginning of a month, \(n\) people have read the book. How many people will have read the book at the beginning of the next month?"

Unit 5, Lesson 8, Practice Problem 1. Corrected wording to indicate that \(\frac{2}{3}\) of the water is draining each minute.

Unit 5, Lesson 7, Lesson Summary. The equation for \(p\) should have \(t\) in the exponent (not \(\text{-}t\)).

Unit 5, Lesson 13, Practice Problem 8. Clarified the first sentence to, "...and bikes at an average rate of 16.1 miles per hour."

Unit 5, Lesson 15, Activity 2. In the Are You Ready for More section, changed all mentions of "perimeter" to "total length."

Unit 5, Lesson 15, Practice Problem 1. The third part of this question now asks for the population \(t\) years after 2011.

Unit 5, Lesson 15, Practice Problem 8. For clarity, updated the statement to specify the years 2018 and 2017 as needed.

Unit 5, Lesson 17, Practice Problem 3. The wording for the options is updated. The given interest percentages are not annual interest, but the percentage applied each time period.

Unit 5, Lesson 17, Practice Problem 5. Clarified that the interest given in the first sentence is "nominal."

Unit 5, Lesson 17, Practice Problem 6. Added E as a correct response.

Unit 5, Lesson 17, Cool-down. Removed the variable from the solution for the first question.

Unit 5, Lesson 20, Activity 3. In the solution for 2, the function is \(g\) not \(f\).

Unit 5, Lesson 21, Activity 2. The solution for Paris in number 5 included the wrong values for 2010 and 2017. They should be 10,500,000 and 10,990,000 respectively.

Unit 5, Lesson 21, Activity 3. The world population hit 7 billion in 2011. The table and solution are updated to reflect this information. In the Activity Synthesis, the first bullet is updated to, "What about from 6 billion to 7 billion? (12 years)"

Unit 6, Family Support Materials. The equation in the task to try with the student should be \(h = 1 + 25t-5t^2\).

Unit 6, Lesson 3, Practice Problem 7. In the solution for 1, the second equation is updated to \(q + d \geq 10\).

Unit 6, Lesson 4, Activity 2. The images are updated to begin labeling the figures with step 0.

Unit 6, Lesson 4, Activity 3. Added sentence to the front of the Are You Ready for More question 2: "Let \(f(x) = x^2\)" and updated the first question to, "...more slowly than the quadratic function \(f(x)=x^2\) as...."

Unit 6, Lesson 4, Practice Problem 7. In the prompt for 1, the inequality should be \(w+c<1,\!200\). The image is updated to show a solid line for the other inequality. Corrected the end of the sentence to, "...solution to this inequality."

Unit 6, Lesson 5, Practice Problem 3. Adjusted first column of all tables back 1 second (to start at 0) so that the numbers are more realistic.

Unit 6, Lesson 6, Practice Problem 4. The solution to the first part is corrected to 1.

Unit 6, Lesson 6, Practice Problem 6. The image is updated to begin labeling the figures with step 0.

Unit 6, Lesson 6, Practice Problem 7. Changed second question to, "Are the values of \(f(x)\) always greater than \(g(x)\) for all \(x\)?"

Unit 6, Lesson 6, Practice Problem 9. Added a clarifying sentence to the prompt. "Assume the amount of insulin continues to decay exponentially."

Unit 6, Lesson 7, Activity 3. The first question should be based on the equation \(A(x) = x \boldcdot \frac{(25-2x)}{2}\). The equation, image, and solution are updated to match the change.

Unit 6, Lesson 9, Practice Problem 7. In the solution to 2, "...graph of \(f\) is about 0.9 seconds...graph of \(g\) is about 0.7 seconds."

Unit 6, Lesson 9, Practice Problem 10. Updated entire problem (and solution) to refer to models of temperature for the 2 cities.

Unit 6, Lesson 11, Practice Problem 4. The graphs for C and D are in the wrong order. The solution is C.

Unit 6, Lesson 12, Activity 2. Are You Ready for More? Updated the second sentence with, "...expressions that define \(f\) (in black at the top), \(g\) (in blue in the middle), and \(h\) (in yellow at the bottom)?"

Unit 6, Lesson 12, Lesson Summary. In the second table, the entry that corresponds to \(x = \text{-}2\) for \(\text{-}2x^2\) should be -8.

Unit 6, Lesson 14, Activity 2. In the solution for 3, "The graph intersects the horizontal axis around -0.08 and 4.9." In the Are You Ready for More section, clarified with, "What approximate initial vertical velocity..."

Unit 6, Lesson 14, Lesson Summary. Clarified the variables by ending the first sentence with, "...where \(t\) represents the time in seconds after the ball is hit."

Unit 6, Lesson 16, Activity 2. In the solution for 2, the first bullet should say, "Substituting 2 for \(x\), we have \(q(2) = \frac{1}{2}(2 - 4)^2 + 10\), which is 12, so \((2,12)\) is one point on the graph."

Unit 6, Lesson 16, Practice Problem 9. Clarified first question to, "Using the expression, describe the interest rate paid on the account."

Unit 6, Lesson 17, Practice Problem 2. In the solution for c, "...and subtracting 8 from the squared term..." Clarified questions b and c to ask for a comparison of the graphs and what role the values have in the comparison.

Unit 6, Lesson 17, Practice Problem 8. In the solution for b, "...introduces whole numbers from 0 to 7."

Unit 6, Lesson 17, Practice Problem 8. Clarified the statement to read, "6.5% annual interest" for each problem. Corrected solutions to use the \$500 initial deposit.

Unit 6, Check Your Readiness, Problem 5. Clarified the meaning of \(t\) with, " a function of time since it was thrown, in seconds."

Unit 6, Mid Unit Assessment, item 2. Choice C is updated to "The orange has hit the ground at 3 seconds."

Unit 6, Mid Unit Assessment, item 5. Updated second paragraph to list function values combining the first 2 sentences.

Unit 6, End of Unit Assessment, item 5c. The solution was listed in meters instead of feet.

Unit 6, End of Unit Assessment, item 6c. The solution included a shift to the left as well as down.

Unit 7, Family Support Materials. The solution to the second question should end, "...because \((3-2)^2 = (1)^2\), which also equals 1."

Unit 7, Lesson 1, Practice Problem 1. Clarified that time is measured in seconds after the airplane is thrown.

Unit 7, Lesson 1, Practice Problem 3. Removed "of" from the sentence, "The revenue from a youth league baseball game depends on the price per ticket, \(x\)."

Unit 7, Lesson 2, Lesson Summary. In the third and fourth bullets, the right side of the equation should be 6 (not 8). Updated definition of quadratic equation to, “…\(ax^2+bx+c=0\) where \(a, b,\) and \(c\) are constants and \(a \neq 0\).” Clarified meaning of \(x\) in the definition of \(g\).

Unit 7, Lesson 2, Practice Problem 6. The solution now correctly uses values of \(2x\) in the length and width terms.

Unit 7, Lesson 2, Practice Problem 8. The solutions to the first two questions had the coefficients reversed. This has been corrected.

Unit 7, Lesson 4, Practice Problem 5. Corrected to "...or \(x-4\) is equal to 72." to match the rest of the problem.

Unit 7, Lesson 5, Practice Problem 2. In the solution for 1b, the second point is \((\text{-}3,0)\).

Unit 7, Lesson 6, Cool down. Corrected solution to the fourth question to use the correct numbers.

Unit 7, Lesson 6 and Glossary. In the glossary entry for "constant term," changed the last number from 12 to -4.

Unit 7, Lesson 7, Practice Problem 7. All units should be in feet. The \(y\)-axis label for the image is updated to "height (feet)." Added phrase to say what \(t=0\) represents.

Unit 7, Lesson 8, Practice Problem 9. Updated task statement to clarify that the 2 populations begin at the same time.

Unit 7, Lesson 9, Practice Problem 4. The first line of the equations should be \(p^2 - 5p = 0\).

Unit 7, Lesson 10, Practice Problem 6. In the solution for 2, \(f(5.081) \approx \text{-}0.002\).

Unit 7, Lesson 10, Lesson Summary. A solution is corrected to use the variable \(x\) instead of the variable \(n\).

Unit 7, Lesson 11, Warm-up. A student response to the first item was missing, which should be "\(x\)".

Unit 7, Lesson 12, Activity 2. In the solution for 3, the linear term should be \(-14x\).

Unit 7, Lesson 12, Practice Problem 6. The first line should be, "To find the product \(203 \boldcdot 197\)..."

Unit 7, Lesson 13, Practice Problem 1. The solution to the fourth expression should have a negative linear term for the quadratic in standard form and subtraction in the factored form.

Unit 7, Lesson 13, Practice Problem 3. The solution should have factors that involve subtraction.

Unit 7, Lesson 14, Lesson Summary. Clarified in the second bullet that the quadratic is a perfect square.

Unit 7, Lesson 15, Practice Problem 7. Clarified last sentence to explain what 0 means for each variable.

Unit 7, Lesson 17, Activity 3. Are You Ready for More? Solution part 2 the expression should be \(2x + 2y + 2\) in both places.

Unit 7, Lesson 17, Practice Problem 6. Clarified that the function is not cumulative number of downloads.

Unit 7, Lesson 18, Practice Problem 6. The solution for the last part should have an approximation of 0.583.

Unit 7, Lesson 20, Practice Problem 5. Updated choice A to \(x^2 - 9x = \frac{1}{2}\)

Unit 7, Lesson 21, Activity 1. Removed parenthetical describing integers from the task statement.

Unit 7, Lesson 21, Practice Problem 6. Corrected all linear coefficients in the problem to -3.

Unit 7, Lesson 22, Activity 3. The solution to the first part of the second question is \(\text{-}2(x+1)^2+8\)

Unit 7, Lesson 23, Lesson Summary. Updated a bullet point to "Because a squared number cannot have a value less than 0, \((x+3)^2\) has the least value when \(x=\text{-}3\)."

Unit 7, Lesson 24, Lesson Summary. Clarified the meaning of of \(t = 0\) in context.

Unit 7, Lesson 24, Activity 2. In the Are You Ready for More? section, the question is updated to say that the diver hits the water at 1.5 seconds.

Unit 7, Lesson 24, Practice Problem 4. Clarified first sentence with, "...number because its decimal never terminates or forms a repeating pattern. I also know that \(\frac29\) is a rational number because its decimal forms a repeating pattern."

Unit 7, Lesson 24, Practice Problem 7. In the solution, "The vertex of the graph of the function \(p\) is \((\text{-}10,\text{-}3)\). The \(y\)-coordinate of the vertex of the graph of \(q\) is about..."

Unit 7, Lesson 24, Practice Problem 8. Updated the equation for the second graph to \(g(x) = x^2 - 4x + 3\).

Unit 7, Mid-unit Assessment, Problem 5. Clarified second sentence to, "He decides to change the shape of the pen to a rectangle while still using the same amount of fencing materials."

Lesson Numbering for Learning Targets

In some printed copies of the student workbooks, we erroneously printed a lesson number instead of the unit and lesson number. This table provides a key to match the printed lesson number with the unit and lesson number.

Lesson Number Unit and Lesson Lesson Title
1 1.1 Getting to Know You
2 1.2 Data Representations
3 1.3 A Gallery of Data
4 1.4 The Shape of Distributions
5 1.5 Calculating Measures of Center and Variability
6 1.6 Mystery Computations
7 1.7 Spreadsheet Computations
8 1.8 Spreadsheet Shortcuts
9 1.9 Technological Graphing
10 1.10 The Effect of Extremes
11 1.11 Comparing and Contrasting Data Distributions
12 1.12 Standard Deviation
13 1.13 More Standard Deviation
14 1.14 Outliers
15 1.15 Comparing Data Sets
16 1.16 Analyzing Data
17 2.1 Planning a Pizza Party
18 2.2 Writing Equations to Model Relationships (Part 1)
19 2.3 Writing Equations to Model Relationships (Part 2)
20 2.4 Equations and Their Solutions
21 2.5 Equations and Their Graphs
22 2.6 Equivalent Equations
23 2.7 Explaining Steps for Rewriting Equations
24 2.8 Which Variable to Solve for? (Part 1)
25 2.9 Which Variable to Solve for? (Part 2)
26 2.10 Connecting Equations to Graphs (Part 1)
27 2.11 Connecting Equations to Graphs (Part 2)
28 2.12 Writing and Graphing Systems of Linear Equations
29 2.13 Solving Systems by Substitution
30 2.14 Solving Systems by Elimination (Part 1)
31 2.15 Solving Systems by Elimination (Part 2)
32 2.16 Solving Systems by Elimination (Part 3)
33 2.17 Systems of Linear Equations and Their Solutions
34 2.18 Representing Situations with Inequalities
35 2.19 Solutions to Inequalities in One Variable
36 2.20 Writing and Solving Inequalities in One Variable
37 2.21 Graphing Linear Inequalities in Two Variables (Part 1)
38 2.22 Graphing Linear Inequalities in Two Variables (Part 2)
39 2.23 Solving Problems with Inequalities in Two Variables
40 2.24 Solutions to Systems of Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
41 2.25 Solving Problems with Systems of Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
42 2.26 Modeling with Systems of Inequalities in Two Variables
43 3.1 Two-way Tables
44 3.2 Relative Frequency Tables
45 3.3 Associations in Categorical Data
46 3.4 Linear Models
47 3.5 Fitting Lines
48 3.6 Residuals
49 3.7 The Correlation Coefficient
50 3.8 Using the Correlation Coefficient
51 3.9 Causal Relationships
52 3.10 Fossils and Flags
53 4.1 Describing and Graphing Situations
54 4.2 Function Notation
55 4.3 Interpreting & Using Function Notation
56 4.4 Using Function Notation to Describe Rules (Part 1)
57 4.5 Using Function Notation to Describe Rules (Part 2)
58 4.6 Features of Graphs
59 4.7 Using Graphs to Find Average Rate of Change
60 4.8 Interpreting and Creating Graphs
61 4.9 Comparing Graphs
62 4.10 Domain and Range (Part 1)
63 4.11 Domain and Range (Part 2)
64 4.12 Piecewise Functions
65 4.13 Absolute Value Functions (Part 1)
66 4.14 Absolute Value Functions (Part 2)
67 4.15 Inverse Functions
68 4.16 Finding and Interpreting Inverse Functions
69 4.17 Writing Inverse Functions to Solve Problems
70 4.18 Using Functions to Model Battery Power
71 5.1 Growing and Growing
72 5.2 Patterns of Growth
73 5.3 Representing Exponential Growth
74 5.4 Understanding Decay
75 5.5 Representing Exponential Decay
76 5.6 Analyzing Graphs
77 5.7 Using Negative Exponents
78 5.8 Exponential Situations as Functions
79 5.9 Interpreting Exponential Functions
80 5.10 Looking at Rates of Change
81 5.11 Modeling Exponential Behavior
82 5.12 Reasoning about Exponential Graphs (Part 1)
83 5.13 Reasoning about Exponential Graphs (Part 2)
84 5.14 Recalling Percent Change
85 5.15 Functions Involving Percent Change
86 5.16 Compounding Interest
87 5.17 Different Compounding Intervals
88 5.18 Expressed in Different Ways
89 5.19 Which One Changes Faster?
90 5.20 Changes over Equal Intervals
91 5.21 Predicting Populations
92 6.1 A Different Kind of Change
93 6.2 How Does it Change?
94 6.3 Building Quadratic Functions from Geometric Patterns
95 6.4 Comparing Quadratic and Exponential Functions
96 6.5 Building Quadratic Functions to Describe Situations (Part 1)
97 6.6 Building Quadratic Functions to Describe Situations (Part 2)
98 6.7 Building Quadratic Functions to Describe Situations (Part 3)
99 6.8 Equivalent Quadratic Expressions
100 6.9 Standard Form and Factored Form
101 6.10 Graphs of Functions in Standard and Factored Forms
102 6.11 Graphing from the Factored Form
103 6.12 Graphing the Standard Form (Part 1)
104 6.13 Graphing the Standard Form (Part 2)
105 6.14 Graphs That Represent Situations
106 6.15 Vertex Form
107 6.16 Graphing from the Vertex Form
108 6.17 Changing the Vertex
109 7.1 Finding Unknown Inputs
110 7.2 When and Why Do We Write Quadratic Equations?
111 7.3 Solving Quadratic Equations by Reasoning
112 7.4 Solving Quadratic Equations with the Zero Product Property
113 7.5 How Many Solutions?
114 7.6 Rewriting Quadratic Expressions in Factored Form (Part 1)
115 7.7 Rewriting Quadratic Expressions in Factored Form (Part 2)
116 7.8 Rewriting Quadratic Expressions in Factored Form (Part 3)
117 7.9 Solving Quadratic Equations by Using Factored Form
118 7.10 Rewriting Quadratic Expressions in Factored Form (Part 4)
119 7.11 What are Perfect Squares?
120 7.12 Completing the Square (Part 1)
121 7.13 Completing the Square (Part 2)
122 7.14 Completing the Square (Part 3)
123 7.15 Quadratic Equations with Irrational Solutions
124 7.16 The Quadratic Formula
125 7.17 Applying the Quadratic Formula (Part 1)
126 7.18 Applying the Quadratic Formula (Part 2)
127 7.19 Deriving the Quadratic Formula
128 7.20 Rational and Irrational Solutions
129 7.21 Sums and Products of Rational and Irrational Numbers
130 7.22 Rewriting Quadratic Expressions in Vertex Form
131 7.23 Using Quadratic Expressions in Vertex Form to Solve Problems
132 7.24 Using Quadratic Equations to Model Situations and Solve Problems