Kendall Hunt
Providing IM Certified Mathematics Curriculum
K–5 Math
The IM K–5 curriculum provides teachers with coherently sequenced materials based on the standards and research-based learning trajectories to support students’ learning in these early years. IM K–5 Math is rigorous, problem-based, and fully aligned to the standards, with coherence across grade bands.
Launch Curriculum6–8 Math
IM 6–8 Math focuses on supporting teachers in the use of research-based instructional routines to successfully facilitate student learning. IM 6-8 Math, authored by Illustrative Mathematics, is highly rated by EdReports for meeting all expectations across all three review gateways. EdReports is an independent nonprofit that reviews K–12 instructional materials.
Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2
The problem-based pedagogy that is the foundation of the IM curriculum will make the rigorous learning standards in the high school courses accessible to all learners. This curriculum will also include Algebra 1 Extra Support Materials.
Launch CurriculumProfessional Learning
IM Certified Professional Learning is designed to be deeply integrated with the curriculum. The program provides teachers and leaders long-term, sustainable support for improving instruction and learning.