
Can You Build It? (3–5)

Stage 1: Rectangles


One partner builds a rectangle so that their partner can’t see it. They describe the rectangle to their partner who tries to build the same rectangle. Students then compare their rectangles and switch roles. Students may choose to draw their rectangle on grid paper, rather than use inch tiles.


Students may use more tiles to build their rectangles or may choose to build shapes made out of two rectangles.

Additional Information

Each group of 2 needs at least 48 inch tiles.

Stage 2: Multiple Rectangles


Before playing, students remove the cards that show 6 or higher and set them aside.

Students flip two number cards to get a number of tiles and then each partner tries to create as many rectangles as possible for that area. If both students each found all the rectangles, they get one point. A student gets two points for any rectangle they built that their partner did not. The player who gets the most points after eight rounds is the winner. Students may choose to draw their rectangle on grid paper, rather than use inch tiles.

This center stage is the first time Number Cards 0–10 are used in Grade 4, so they are provided as a blackline master. Students will continue to use these throughout the year. Consider copying them on cardstock or laminating them and keeping them organized to be used repeatedly.

Additional Information

Each group of 2 needs at least 120 inch tiles and a set of number cards.

Stage 3: Rectangular Prisms


Students flip two number cards to get a number of cubes and then each partner tries to create as many prisms as possible for that volume. If both students each found all the prisms, they each get one point. A student gets two points for any prism they built that their partner did not. The player who gets the most points after eight rounds is the winner. 


When students begin to play the game, use a subset of number cards (0–5) so they can build each shape. When they play subsequent times and use the full set of number cards, they may choose to record dimensions rather than build them.

This center stage is the first time Number Cards 0–10 are used in Grade 5, so they are provided as a blackline master. Students will continue to use these throughout the year. Consider copying them on cardstock or laminating them and keeping them organized to be used repeatedly.

Additional Information

Each group of 2 needs at least 120 connecting cubes and a set of number cards.