Lesson 8
Dibujemos figuras
Warm-up: ¿Qué saben sobre los rectángulos? (10 minutes)
The purpose of this warm-up is for students to share what they know about rectangles. Students may share examples of objects in the world that look like rectangles or may describe attributes of rectangles. This encourages students to mathematize their environment (MP4).
- Groups of 2
- “¿Qué saben sobre los rectángulos?” // “What do you know about rectangles?”
- 30 seconds: quiet think time
- 1 minute: partner discussion
- Record responses.
Student Facing
Student Response
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Activity Synthesis
- “¿Cuántas pajillas necesito para hacer un rectángulo?” // “How many straws do I need to make a rectangle?”
Activity 1: Unamos los puntos (10 minutes)
The purpose of this activity is for students to draw shapes. Students draw straight lines to connect the dots to create shapes. Some students may benefit from a ruler or straight edge to assist them. Students draw some shapes that they can name, such as triangles and rectangles. They also draw some shapes that they have not been introduced to the formal names of. Students can describe the attributes of these shapes but are not expected to name the shapes.
- Display the first image of four big red dots from the student book.
- “¿Qué observan? ¿Qué se preguntan?” // “What do you notice? What do you wonder?” (There are black dots. There are 4 big red dots.)
- 30 seconds: quiet think time
- 30 seconds: partner discussion
- Share responses.
- “Estos puntos nos van a ayudar a dibujar figuras. Necesito unir los puntos rojos usando líneas rectas” // “These dots will help us draw shapes. I need to connect the red dots using straight lines.”
- Demonstrate drawing a straight line between 2 of the red dots.
- “¿Dónde debo dibujar la siguiente línea recta?” // “Where should I draw the next line?”
- Repeat until the rectangle is drawn.
- “¿Qué figura dibujé?” // “What shape did I draw?” (A rectangle.)
- “Dibujen líneas rectas para unir los puntos. Cuando terminen, coloreen la figura y cuéntenle a su pareja algo sobre la figura que dibujaron” // “Draw straight lines to connect the dots. When you’re finished, color in the shape and tell your partner about the shape you drew.”
- 6 minutes: partner work time
Student Facing
Student Response
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Activity Synthesis
- Display the last image with 3 red dots.
- “Tyler está uniendo los puntos. ¿Qué figura creen que va a hacer? ¿Por qué?” // “Tyler is connecting the dots. What shape do you think he is going to make? Why?” (A triangle. There are 3 dots so there will be 3 sides. Triangles have 3 sides.)
- If needed, ask “¿Cuántas esquinas tendrá la figura? ¿Cuántos lados tendrá la figura?” // “How many corners will the shape have? How many sides will the shape have?”
Activity 2: Describamos y dibujemos figuras (15 minutes)
The purpose of this activity is for students to describe and draw shapes. Students work in pairs to describe and draw a mystery shape. Students learn that they need to be precise in describing the shape in order for their partner to draw the shape accurately and have opportunities to use the language they have learned to describe shape attributes (MP6). There are also some shapes that students have not been introduced to the formal names of. Students can describe the attributes of these shapes but are not expected to name the shapes.
Advances: Conversing
Supports accessibility for: Conceptual Processing, Language
- Display the student book.
- “En la última actividad usamos papel de puntos. ¿Qué tiene de diferente este papel de puntos?” // “In the last activity, we used dot paper. What is different about this dot paper?” (There are no red dots.)
- Share responses.
- “Dibujen líneas rectas en el papel de puntos para hacer algunas figuras” // “Draw lines on the dot paper to make some shapes.”
- 2 minutes: independent work time
- “Hoy vamos a jugar un juego nuevo que se llama ‘Dibuja la figura secreta’. Un compañero va a escoger una figura y la va a describir. El otro compañero va a dibujar la figura” // “Today we’re going to play a new game called ‘Draw the Mystery Shape’. One partner will choose a shape and describe it. The other partner will draw the shape.”
- “Intentémoslo. Voy a describir una figura. Dibujen en el papel de puntos la figura que yo describa” // “Let’s try it. I’m going to describe a shape. Draw the shape that I describe on the dot paper.”
- “Esta figura tiene 3 lados y 3 esquinas” // “This shape has 3 sides and 3 corners.”
- 30 seconds: independent work time
- “¿Dibujaron la misma figura que su pareja?” // “Did you and your partner draw the same shape?” (No. We drew shapes with 3 sides but they don’t look the same.)
- Draw or display:
- “Esta era la figura que yo quería que dibujaran. ¿Qué más pude haber dicho sobre la figura para ayudarlos a que supieran qué dibujar?” // “This was the shape I wanted you to draw. What else could I have said about the shape to help you know what to draw?” ( It is skinny. It is pointing to the side. Two sides are long and one side is short.)
- “Escojan una figura, pero no le digan a su pareja cuál escogieron. Cuéntenle a su pareja todo lo que puedan sobre la figura para que la pueda dibujar” // “Pick a shape but don’t tell your partner which shape you picked. Tell your partner all about the shape so they can draw it.”
- 8 minutes: partner work time
Student Facing

Student Response
Teachers with a valid work email address can click here to register or sign in for free access to Student Response.
Activity Synthesis
- “¿Qué pistas les ayudaron a descifrar cómo dibujar la figura?” // “Which clues helped you figure out how to draw the shape?”
Activity 3: Conozcamos “Construye figuras: Compara la figura plana” (20 minutes)
The purpose of this activity is for students to learn stage 2 of the Build Shapes center. Students secretly choose a shape and describe it to their partner. Their partner then builds the shape described using straws and clay. This center combines the work that students have done in previous activities with describing shapes while practicing building shapes. With repeated experience, students describe and build shapes with more precision and identify key attributes to highlight in their descriptions (MP8). The shape cards are printed in the student book for this activity. The Build Shapes Cards blackline master is available for students to use during centers in future lessons.
After they participate in the center, students choose from any stage of previously introduced centers.
- Build Shapes
- Counting Collections
- Which One
- Picture Books
- Bingo
- Shake and Spill
Required Materials
Materials to Gather
Required Preparation
- Gather materials from:
- Build Shapes, Stage 1
- Counting Collections, Stage 1
- Which One, Stage 1
- Picture Books, Stages 1–3
- Bingo, Stages 1 and 2
- Shake and Spill, Stages 1 and 2
- Groups of 2
- Give each group of students a set of straws and clay.
- “Vamos a aprender una nueva forma de trabajar en el centro ‘Construye figuras’” // “We are going to learn a new way to do the Build Shapes center.”
- “Una persona va a escoger una figura, sin decirle a su pareja cuál escogió. Va a describir la figura y su pareja la va a construir con pajillas y plastilina. Cuando termine, decidan juntos si la figura se parece a la figura secreta. Jueguen con su pareja por turnos” // “One person will choose a shape without telling their partner which one they chose. They will describe the shape to their partner, and their partner will build the shape with straws and clay. When the shape is built, work together to see if it looks like the mystery shape. Take turns playing with your partner.”
- 8 minutes: partner work time
- “Ahora pueden escoger otro centro. También pueden seguir jugando ‘Construye figuras’” // “Now you can choose another center. You can also continue playing Build Shapes.”
- Display the center choices in the student book.
- Invite students to work at the center of their choice.
- 8 minutes: center work time
- If time, invite students to choose another center.
Student Facing

Escoge un centro.
Construye figuras

Contar colecciones

Cuál es

Libros de imágenes

Revuelve y saca

Activity Synthesis
- “Si necesitaran que su pareja dibujara una triángulo, ¿qué le dirían?” // “If you needed your partner to build a triangle, what could you tell them?”
Lesson Synthesis
Lesson Synthesis
“Hoy describimos y dibujamos figuras. Kiran estaba tratando de que Jada dibujara esta figura. Ella le dijo a Jada que dibujara una figura con 4 líneas rectas y 4 esquinas. Jada dibujó esta figura” // “Today we described and drew shapes. Kiran was trying to get Jada to draw this shape. She told Jada to draw a shape with 4 lines and 4 corners. Jada drew this shape.”
Draw or display a rectangle:
Cool-down: Unidad 3, punto de chequeo de la sección A (0 minutes)
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