6.8 Data Sets and Distributions

Lesson 1

  • I can collect the correct data to answer a question and use the correct units.
  • I can explain the difference between categorical and numerical data.

Lesson 2

  • I can tell when data has variability.

Lesson 3

  • I can describe the information presented in tables, dot plots, and bar graphs.
  • I can use tables, dot plots, and bar graphs to represent distributions of data.

Lesson 4

  • I can describe the center and spread of data from a dot plot.

Lesson 5

  • I can use a dot plot to represent the distribution of a data set and answer questions about the real-world situation.
  • I can use center and spread to describe data sets, including what is typical in a data set.

Lesson 6

  • I can recognize when a histogram is an appropriate graphical display of a data set.
  • I can use a histogram to get information about the distribution of data and explain what it means in a real-world situation.

Lesson 7

  • I can draw a histogram from a table of data.
  • I can use a histogram to describe the distribution of data and determine a typical value for the data.

Lesson 8

  • I can describe the shape and features of a histogram and explain what they mean in the context of the data.
  • I can distinguish histograms and bar graphs.

Lesson 9

  • I can explain how the mean for a data set represents a “fair share.”
  • I can find the mean for a numerical data set.

Lesson 10

  • I can describe what the mean tells us in the context of the data.
  • I can explain how the mean represents a balance point for the data on a dot plot.

Lesson 11

  • I can find the MAD for a set of data.
  • I know what the mean absolute deviation (MAD) measures and what information it provides.

Lesson 12

  • I can say what the MAD tells us in a given context.
  • I can use means and MADs to compare groups.

Lesson 13

  • I can find the median for a set of data.
  • I can say what the median represents and what it tells us in a given context.

Lesson 14

  • I can determine when the mean or the median is more appropriate to describe the center of data.
  • I can explain how the distribution of data affects the mean and the median.

Lesson 15

  • I can use IQR to describe the spread of data.
  • I know what quartiles and interquartile range (IQR) measure and what they tell us about the data.
  • When given a list of data values or a dot plot, I can find the quartiles and interquartile range (IQR) for data.

Lesson 16

  • I can use the five-number summary to draw a box plot.
  • I know what information a box plot shows and how it is constructed.

Lesson 17

  • I can use a box plot to answer questions about a data set.
  • I can use medians and IQRs to compare groups.

Lesson 18

  • I can decide whether mean and MAD or median and IQR would be more appropriate for describing the center and spread of a data set.
  • I can draw an appropriate graphical representation for a set of data.
  • I can explain what the mean and MAD or the median and IQR tell us in the context of a situation and use them to answer questions.