Lesson 6
Finding Interesting Points on a Graph
- Let’s find some interesting points.
6.1: Notice and Wonder: Unemployment Percentage
What do you notice? What do you wonder?
6.2: Examining Unemployment Percentages
This graph shows the percentage of the workforce that is unemployed in the United States and Michigan for several years.
- For the United States, what are the highest and lowest points on the graph? What do the points mean in the situation?
- For Michigan, what are the highest and lowest points on the graph? What do the points mean in the situation?
6.3: The Wire
- Use technology to graph the function \(f(x) = x^4 - 16x^3 + 86x^2 - 176x + 105\).
- What are some points on the graph that you think are interesting? Explain your reasoning.
Examine the graph representing electrical voltage in a wire as a function of time. What interesting points do you see? Explain your reasoning.
- Use the points you found to describe what is happening to the voltage within the wire.