Lesson 5
Hagamos grupos de más, menos o lo mismo
Warm-up: Cuántos ves: Dedos en dos manos (10 minutes)
The purpose of this How Many Do You See is for students to begin recognizing quantities represented on fingers without having to count. In this warm-up, students see numbers greater than 5, requiring 2 hands to represent. Students show the number with their fingers before answering, “How many do you see?" At this point, some students may still need to count, however with repeated exposure to quantities represented with fingers, they will begin to recognize numbers 1–10. As students make use of the structure of 5 fingers on each hand (MP7), they look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning through subitizing (MP8).
- Groups of 2.
- “¿Cuántos ven? ¿Cómo lo saben?, ¿qué ven?” // “How many do you see? How do you see them?”
- Display 5 fingers.
- “Discutan con su compañero cómo pensaron” // “Discuss your thinking with your partner.”
- 30 seconds: partner discussion
- Share responses.
- “Usen sus dedos para mostrar cuántos hay” // “Use your fingers to show how many there are.”
- Repeat with 6 fingers and 7 fingers.
Student Response
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Activity Synthesis
- “Trabajen con su pareja. Una persona muestra 6 con sus dedos. Una persona muestra 7 con sus dedos” // “Work with your partner. One person show 6 with your fingers. One person show 7 with your fingers.”
- ”¿Quién está levantando menos dedos? ¿Cómo lo saben?” // “Who is holding up fewer fingers? How do you know?” (The person with 6 fingers up is holding up fewer fingers. There is only 1 finger up on the extra hand.)
- “6 es menos que 7” // “6 is less than 7.”
Activity 1: Conozcamos “Menos, lo mismo, más: Grupos de objetos” (15 minutes)
The purpose of this activity is for students to learn stage 1 of the Less, Same, More center. Students make groups that have fewer, the same, and more objects than a given group. Students choose a collection of objects and place all the objects at the top of the mat. They then make new groups that have fewer, the same, or more objects. To minimize the number of collections needed, have groups trade collections.
Supports accessibility for: Organization, Social-Emotional Functioning
Required Materials
Materials to Gather
Materials to Copy
- Less, Same, More Mat, Spanish
Required Preparation
- Each group of 2 needs at least 2 collections of between 2 and 9 objects.
- Groups of 2
- Give each group a mat and access to collections of between 2–9 objects and connecting cubes.
- “Escojan un grupo de objetos y ubíquenlos en el cuadro que está en la parte de arriba del tablero” // “Choose a group of objects and place them in the box at the top of the mat.”
- “Usen cubos para formar un grupo que tenga menos objetos, un grupo que tenga el mismo número de objetos y un grupo que tenga más objetos. Ubíquenlos en cada uno de los cuadros que están abajo” // “Use cubes to make a new group of objects for each box below. Make a group that has fewer objects, a group that has the same number of objects, and a group that has more objects.”
- “Discutan con su compañero cómo saben que cada grupo tiene más, menos o el mismo número de objetos” // “Discuss with your partner how you know each group has more, fewer, or the same number of objects.”
- 10 minutes: partner work time
- Monitor for students who make different groups that have fewer objects than the given group. For example, if the given group has 7 objects, look for students who made different groups with fewer than 7 objects.
Activity Synthesis
- Display the mat with 7 cubes in the top box.
- Invite two previously identified students to demonstrate how they made groups with fewer objects.
- “¿Ambos estudiantes hicieron grupos que tienen menos de 7 objetos?” // “Did both students make groups that have fewer than 7 objects?”
“Usemos la palabra menos para describir los grupos que hicieron” // “Let’s use the word fewer to describe the groups they made.”
- “5 cubos es menos que 7 cubos” // “5 cubes is fewer than 7 cubes.”
- “3 cubos rojos es menos que 7 cubos azules” // “3 red cubes is fewer than 7 blue cubes.”
- “Si tengo que hacer un grupo con el mismo número de objetos que este grupo de 7 objetos, ¿qué debo hacer?” // “If I needed to make a group with the same number of objects as this group of 7 objects, what should I do?” (You should take out 7 cubes.)
Activity 2: Conozcamos “Dedos matemáticos: Menos o más” (15 minutes)
The purpose of this activity is for students to learn stage 2 of the Math Fingers center. Students choose a card and one partner shows more fingers than the card while the other partner shows fewer fingers than the card. Students may count the fingers or recognize the quantity without counting. Students may also count on from 5 to determine how many fingers there are when 6–10 fingers are displayed.
Advances: Listening, Speaking, Representing
Required Materials
Materials to Copy
- Math Fingers Cards
- Groups of 2
- Give each group of students a set of cards.
- “Vamos a aprender una nueva forma de jugar el centro 'Dedos matemáticos'. Juguemos una ronda juntos” // “We are going to learn a new way to play the Math Fingers center. Let’s play a round together.”
- Invite a student to act as the partner to demonstrate.
- “Primero escogemos una tarjeta” // “First we choose a card.”
- Flip over and display a card.
- “Un compañero muestra menos dedos de los que hay en la tarjeta. El otro compañero muestra más dedos de los que hay en la tarjeta“ // One partner shows fewer fingers than the fingers on the card. The other partner shows more fingers than the fingers on the card.”
- Show more fingers than the fingers on the card. Invite the student to shower fewer fingers than the fingers on the card.
- “Después le dicen a su compañero cuántos dedos tienen ustedes levantados. Díganle si hay más o menos dedos que en la tarjeta” // “Then you tell your partner how many fingers you are holding up. Tell them if there are more or fewer than the fingers on the card.”
- Demonstrate how to share with your partner.
- “Estoy mostrando 8 dedos. 8 dedos es más que 4 dedos” // “I am showing 8 fingers. 8 fingers is more than 4 fingers.”
- “Estoy mostrando 2 dedos. 2 dedos es más que 4 dedos” // “I am showing 2 fingers. 2 fingers is fewer than 4 fingers.”
- “Cuando los dos compañeros estén de acuerdo con que mostraron un número que es más y un número que es menos que el número que muestra la tarjeta, escojan una nueva tarjeta y jueguen por turnos a mostrar más dedos y menos dedos” // “When both partners agree that you showed a number that is more and a number that is fewer than the number on the card, choose a new card and take turns showing more fingers and fewer fingers.”
- 7 minutes: partner work time
Activity Synthesis
- Hold up 5 fingers.
- “Muestren menos dedos que los que yo levanto. Compartan sus ideas con su compañero. ¿Ambos levantaron el mismo número de dedos?” // “Show fewer fingers than I am holding up. Share with your partner. Did you both hold up the same number of fingers?” (No, my partner held up three fingers and I held up one finger. We both held up fewer fingers.)
- “Muestren el mismo número de dedos que yo levanto. Compartan sus ideas con su compañero. ¿Ambos levantaron el mismo número de dedos?” // “Show the same number of fingers that I am holding up. Share with your partner. Did you both hold up the same number of fingers?” (Yes, we both held up 5 fingers.)
Activity 3: Centro: Momento de escoger (15 minutes)
The purpose of this activity is for students to choose from activities that offer practice with number and counting concepts. Students choose from any stage of previously introduced centers.
- Less, Same, More
- Number Race
- Shake and Spill
- Math Fingers
- Pattern Blocks
- Picture Books
Required Materials
Materials to Gather
Required Preparation
- Gather materials from:
- Less, Same, More, Stage 1
- Number Race, Stage 1
- Shake and Spill, Stages 1 and 2
- Math Fingers, Stages 1 and 2
- Pattern Blocks, Stages 1-3
- Picture Books, Stages 1 and 2
- “Hoy vamos a escoger centros de los que ya conocemos. También pueden seguir jugando 'Menos, lo mismo, más' o 'Dedos matemáticos'” // “Today we are going to choose from centers we have already learned. You can also choose to keep playing Less, Same, More or Math Fingers.”
- Display the center choices in the student book.
- “Piensen qué les gustaría hacer primero” // “Think about what you would like to do first.”
- 30 seconds: quiet think time
- Invite students to work at the center of their choice.
- 10 minutes: center work time
Student Facing
Escoge un centro.
Menos, lo mismo, más
Revuelve y saca

Carrera con números

Dedos matemáticos

Libros de imágenes

Activity Synthesis
- “Hoy jugamos 'Dedos matemáticos'. ¿Como supieron cuántos dedos había en cada tarjeta?” // “Today we played Math Fingers. How did you figure out how many fingers were on each card?” (I counted them. I could just see that there were 5 because all of the fingers on one hand were up.)
Lesson Synthesis
Lesson Synthesis
“Hoy formamos grupos que tenían más, menos o el mismo número de objetos que un grupo determinado. También conocimos dos centros nuevos. ¿Cómo les ayudó hoy su compañero mientras trabajaban en los centros? ¿Cómo le ayudaron ustedes a su compañero?” // “Today we made groups that had more, fewer, or the same number of objects as a given group. We also learned two new centers. How did your partner help you today during center time? How did you help your partner?”
Cool-down: Unidad 2, punto de chequeo de la sección A (0 minutes)
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