Lesson 7

Formemos números con 10 y algunos más (parte 1)

Warm-up: Conteo grupal: Dos grupos (10 minutes)


The purpose of this Choral Count is to invite students to practice counting on from 10. This will be helpful later when students answer “how many” questions about up to 20 objects or images.


  • Divide the class into two groups.


  • Tell the first group to count as a group from 1 until you tell them to stop. Tell the second group to count on where the first group leaves off.
  • Stop the first group at 10. The second group counts on from 11 to 20.
  • Switch groups, so each group has a chance to start from 1 and from 11.

Student Response

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Activity Synthesis

  • “Cuándo contamos, ¿qué número viene siempre después de 10?” // “What number always comes after 10 when we count?” (11)

Activity 1: Formemos números del 11 al 19 (10 minutes)


The purpose of this activity is for students to use 10 ones and some more ones to compose numbers 11–19. As students determine how many dots they have when they put 2 cards together, some students may begin to count on from 10.

MLR8 Discussion Supports. Before beginning group work time, invite a small number of students to act out the activity. Listen for and clarify any questions.
Advances: Speaking, Representing

Required Materials

Materials to Copy

  • 10-frame and More Dots Cards

Required Preparation

  • Each student needs 1 card from the blackline master. 


  • Give each student 1 card. Half of the students should have a card with a full 10-frame. Half of the students should have a card with 1–9 dots.
  • “Caminen y encuentren un compañero. Si tienen un tablero de 10 en su tarjeta, encuentren un compañero que no tenga un tablero de 10 en su tarjeta. Si no tienen un tablero de 10 en su tarjeta, encuentren un compañero que tenga un tablero de 10” // “Walk around and find a partner. If you have a 10-frame on your card, find a partner who does not have a 10-frame on their card. If you do not have a 10-frame on your card, find a partner who does have a 10-frame.”


  • “Cuéntenle a su pareja cuántos puntos tienen en su tarjeta. Después, descifren cuántos puntos tienen los dos en total” // “Tell your partner how many dots you have on your card. Then work together to figure out how many dots you both have altogether.”
  • 2 minutes: partner work time
  • As students work, ask:
    • “¿Algún grupo tiene 10 puntos y 2 puntos? ¿Cuántos puntos tienen en total?” // “Does any group have 10 dots and 2 dots? How many dots do you have altogether?”
    • “¿Algún grupo tiene 15 puntos en total?” // “Does any group have 15 dots altogether?”
  • “Intercambien tarjetas. Encuentren un nuevo compañero. Si tienen un tablero de 10 en su tarjeta, encuentren un compañero que no tenga un tablero de 10 en su tarjeta. Si no tienen un tablero de 10 en su tarjeta, encuentren un compañero que sí tenga un tablero de 10” // “Switch cards. Find a new partner. If you have a 10-frame on your card, find a partner who does not have a 10-frame on their card. If you do not have a 10-frame on your card, find a partner who does have a 10-frame.”
  • Repeat 2–3 times.

Student Response

Teachers with a valid work email address can click here to register or sign in for free access to Student Response.

Activity Synthesis

  • Invite 2–3 groups of students to share how many dots are on each student’s card and how many dots there are altogether.
  • “____ tiene 10 puntos en un tablero de 10. ______ tiene 3 puntos. 10 y 3 es 13” // “_____ has 10 dots on a 10-frame. _____ has 3 dots. 10 and 3 is 13.”

Activity 2: Agreguemos más fichas (10 minutes)


The purpose of this activity is for students to compose numbers 11–19 by adding to a full 10-frame. Starting with a full 10-frame highlights the structure of 10 ones and some more in numbers 11–19 and encourages students to count on from 10, which is highlighted in the activity synthesis (MP8).

Action and Expression: Develop Expression and Communication. Synthesis: Identify connections between the strategy of counting starting at 1 and counting on from 10. For example: “Como ya sé que este tablero de 10 está lleno, puedo empezar a contar en 11. No necesito contar otra vez todos los puntos en el tablero de 10” // “Since I know that this 10-frame is full I can start counting at 11. I do not need to count all the dots in the 10-frame again.”
Supports accessibility for: Conceptual Processing

Required Materials

Materials to Gather

Materials to Copy

  • Number Cards 1–9
  • Reference Sheet Numbers 11–20 with 10-frames

Required Preparation

  • Create a set of cards from the blackline master for each group of 2.


  • Groups of 2
  • Give each group a set of cards and access to two-color counters.
  • “Volteen una tarjeta” // “Flip over one card.”
  • 30 seconds: partner work time
  • “Agreguen esa cantidad de fichas o puntos a su tablero de 10” // “Add that many counters or dots to your 10-frame.”
  • 30 seconds: partner work time
  • “Escriban un número para mostrar cuántas fichas o puntos hay ahora” // “Write a number to show how many counters or dots there are now.”
  • 30 seconds: partner work time


  • “Con su pareja, terminen el resto de los problemas” // “Work with your partner to finish the rest of the problems.”
  • 5 minutes: partner work time
  • Monitor for students who counted on from 10 to determine how many counters or dots there are.

Student Facing


Ten frame, full.


Ten frame, full.


Ten frame, full.


Ten frame, full.


Ten frame, full.


Student Response

Teachers with a valid work email address can click here to register or sign in for free access to Student Response.

Activity Synthesis

  • Invite previously identified students to share how they counted on to determine the total.
  • “Cuándo contaron, empezaron en 11. ¿Por qué no empezaron en 1?” // “When you counted, you started at 11. Why didn’t you start at 1?” (I know that there are 10 in the 10-frame, so I don’t need to count those. I can start at 11 and count the extra dots.)

Activity 3: Centros: Momento de escoger (25 minutes)


The purpose of this activity is for students to choose from activities that offer practice with addition and subtraction, writing numbers, and counting objects.

Students choose from any stage of previously introduced centers.

  • Number Race
  • Grab and Count 
  • Find the Pair
  • Tower Build

Required Materials

Materials to Gather

Required Preparation

  • Gather materials from:
    • Number Race, Stages 1 and 2
    • Grab and Count, Stage 1
    • Find the Pair, Stage 1
    • Tower Build, Stages 1 and 2


  • “Hoy vamos a escoger centros de los que ya conocemos” // “Today we are going to choose from centers we have already learned.”
  • Display the center choices in the student book.
  • “Piensen qué les gustaría hacer primero” // “Think about what you would like to do first.”
  • 30 seconds: quiet think time


  • Invite students to work at the center of their choice. 
  • 10 minutes: center work time
  • “Escojan qué les gustaría hacer ahora” // “Choose what you would like to do next.”
  • 10 minutes: center work time

Student Facing

Escoge un centro.

Carrera con números

Center. Number Race.

Agarra y cuenta

Encuentra la pareja

Center. Find the pair.

Construcción de torres

Center activity. Tower Build.

Activity Synthesis

  • “¿Cuáles herramientas matemáticas usaron hoy mientras trabajaban en los centros? ¿De qué forma les ayudaron las herramientas?” // “Which math tools did you use during centers today? How did the tool(s) help you?”

Lesson Synthesis

Lesson Synthesis

Display the cards from the first activity that have 6 dots, 10 dots on a 10-frame, and 2 dots.

“Hoy juntamos grupos para formar números del 11 al 19. ¿Cuáles dos grupos de puntos podemos juntar para formar 12? ¿Cómo lo saben?” // “Today we put groups together to make numbers from 11 to 19. Which two groups of dots can we put together to make 12? How do you know?” (We can put together the full 10-frame and 2 more dots.)

“12 puntos es 10 puntos más 2 puntos. Otra forma en la que podemos escribir eso es ‘12 es \(10 + 2\)’” // “12 dots is 10 dots plus 2 dots. Another way we could write that is 12 is \(10 + 2\).” 

Cool-down: Unidad 6, punto de chequeo de la sección B (0 minutes)


Teachers with a valid work email address can click here to register or sign in for free access to Cool-Downs.