Scope and Sequence
Pacing Guide

Dependency Diagram

In the unit dependency chart, an arrow indicates that a particular unit is designed for students who already know the material in a previous unit. Reversing the order would have a negative effect on mathematical or pedagogical coherence. Examples:
- There is an arrow from 6.2 to 6.6, because students are expected to use their knowledge of contexts involving ratios (from 6.2) to write and solve equations representing such contexts (in 6.6).
- There is an arrow from 7.4 to 7.8, because students are expected to use their skills in representing percentages (from 7.4) when solving problems about probability (in 7.8).
- There is an arrow from 8.3 to 8.6, because students are expected to use their skills in writing and interpreting an equation that represents a line (from 8.3) to interpret the parameters in an equation that represents a line that fits a scatter plot (in 8.6).
The following chart shows unit dependencies across the 6–12 curriculum.