
Which One? (K–5)

Stage 1: Grade K Shapes


One partner chooses a shape on the gameboard. The other partner asks questions to figure out what shape they chose. Students may use counters to cover up shapes that have been eliminated. Students work with simple shapes such as circles, rectangles, and triangles.

Stage 2: Grade 1 Shapes


One partner chooses a shape on the gameboard. The other partner asks questions to figure out what shape they chose. Students may use counters to cover up shapes that have been eliminated. Students work with triangles and quadrilaterals.

Stage 3: Grade 2 Shapes


Students lay out the shape cards face up in rows. One partner chooses a shape. The other partner asks questions to figure out what shape they chose. Students work with triangles, quadrilaterals, and hexagons.

Stage 4: Grade 3 Shapes


Students lay out the shape cards face up in rows. One partner chooses a shape. The other partner asks questions to figure out what shape they chose. Students work with polygons, with a focus on quadrilaterals.

Stage 5: Grade 4 Shapes


Students lay out the shape cards face up in rows. One partner chooses a shape. The other partner asks questions to figure out what shape they chose. Students work with two-dimensional shapes, particularly triangles and quadrilaterals.

Stage 6: Shapes on the Coordinate Grid


One partner chooses a rectangle on the coordinate plane from the board. The other partner asks questions to figure out which rectangle on the coordinate plane their partner chose.

Stage 7: Grade 5 Shapes


Students lay out the shape cards face up in rows. One partner chooses a shape. The other partner asks questions to figure out what shape they chose. Students focus on quadrilaterals.



One partner chooses a shape on the gameboard. The other partner asks questions to figure out what shape they chose.