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Corrections to the Second Printing
Your book is from the second printing if it has K5_v1 and then a date, such as 20211203, at the very bottom of the copyright page. The first printing does not have a date below K5_v1. The second printing of these materials has the corrections to the first printing listed below already in place.

Unit 3, Lesson 15, Activity 2, Student Responses. In response 2, for Lin's estimate in the top row instead of “100” it should say “90” and in the bottom row for the total instead of “690” it should say “680”.

Centers, Compare, Stages 3. A student direction sheet has been added.

Centers, Tic Tac Round, Stages 1–3, Required Materials. Paper clips need to be added as a required material.

Corrections to the First Printing
Your book is from the first printing if it has K5_v1 at the very bottom of the copyright page. The second printing has a date below this line.

Unit 1, Lesson 4, Activity 2, Student Response. Instead of a graph about “Favorite Flavor of Ice Cream” it should be a graph about “Ways We Would Like to Travel”.

Unit 1, Lesson 14, Activity 2. In the activity synthesis, instead of “What strategies did you use to find the unknown number, or product, in the equations?” it should say “What strategies did you use to find the unknown numbers?” and it should not reference dots in the student response. Instead of “How did each equation change as you found the total for each set of equal groups?” it should say “How did each equation change as you found the unknown number?”

Unit 1, Lesson 19, Activity 2, Student Responses. For response 1, instead of “45 flowers” it should say “45 trees”. 

Unit 2, Lesson 2, Activity 1. Instead of MLR8, no Instructional Routine should be tagged.

Unit 2, Lesson 2, Response to Student Thinking. Instead of "Students write 32 for the number of square tiles..." it should say, "Students write 28 for the number of square tiles..."

Unit 2, Section A, Practice Problem 11, Sample Response a. Add 36 by 1 to the list of possible rectangles. 

Unit 2, Lesson 5, Activity 2. Instead of MLR8, no Instructional Routine should be tagged.

Unit 3, Narrative. At the end, instead of \(4 = \frac{12}{3}\) it should say \(3 = \frac{12}{4}\) .

Unit 3, Section A, Practice Problem 11, Sample Responses. For response a, instead of "When she finds \(60 + 80\), that's 140 so Elena records the 4 tens...” it should say "When she finds \(70 + 80\), that's 150 so Elena records the 5 tens...”

Unit 3, Lesson 11, Activity 1, Activity Synthesis. In the first bullet, instead of "...find the value of 824” it should say "...find the value of \(824 - 541\).”

Unit 3, Section C, Practice Problem 4. Title. Instead of “to 10 and 100”, it should say “to the Nearest Ten and Hundred”. In the prompt, instead of “to the nearest 10” it should say “to the nearest ten” and instead of “to the nearest 100” it should say “to the nearest hundred”.

Unit 3, Section C, Practice Problem 5, Sample Responses. For response b, instead of “140 to the nearest 100...” it should say “100 to the nearest 100...”

Unit 3, Lesson 20, Activity 2, Activity Synthesis. Instead of \(230 - (6 \times 3) = {d}\) it should say \(230 - (7 \times 10) = {d}\).

Unit 3, Suggested Center, How Close? Stage 4. The Number Cards 0–10 blackline master was attached and this note was added: this center stage is the first time Number Cards 0–10 are used in Grade 5, so they are provided as a blackline master. Students will continue to use these throughout the year. Consider copying them on cardstock or laminating them and keeping them organized to be used repeatedly. 

Unit 4, Lesson 5, Response to Student Thinking. Instead of \(36 \div 4\) it should say \(24 \div 4\).

Unit 4, Lesson 10, Activity 2. In the activity synthesis, instead of “Where do you see the two numbers in his expression?” it should say “Where do you see the two factors in his expression?” 

Unit 4, Lesson 16, Warm-up. In the title, instead of Number Talk: Seven Times Some Numbers it should say Number Talk: Three Times Some Numbers.

Unit 4, Lesson 20, Activity 1, Student Task Statement. In Tyler's work, instead of \(20 + 6 = 78\) it should say \(20 + 6 = 26\).

Unit 4, Section D, Practice Problem 2, Solution, Part b. Instead of 4 it should say 13.

Unit 5, Lesson 9, Activity 2, Student Task Statement. The statement is missing. It should read: “Locate and label \(\frac{3}{4}\) on the number line. Be prepared to explain your reasoning.”

Unit 6, Lesson 15, Activity 1. In the student task statement in the problem about corn, instead of “9 rows” it should say “9 equal rows”.

Unit 7, Lessons 11–15, Suggested Centers. Instead of Can You Draw It? (1–5), Stage 5: Grade 4 Shapes (Addressing), it should say Can You Draw It? (1–5), Stage 4: Area and Perimeter (Addressing).

Course Guide, Assessments Guidance, Formative Assessment Opportunities. This sentence was added about monitoring sheets: “Each section also has a monitoring sheet that can be used to indicate that students are meeting the section goals.” 

Course Guide, About These Materials. A note was added about frequently used blackline masters recommended for lamination, including a list of where to find these blackline masters in each grade.

Centers, Capture Squares, Stages 3–7, Gameboards. Instead of “If you can’t draw a line, choose 2 new cards”, it should say “If you can’t draw a line, spin again and take a new card” (Stages 3 and 4) or “If you can’t draw a line, roll and spin again” (Stages 5–7). 

Centers, How Close, Stage 4. In the student directions, instead of "Take 10 cards.” it should say "Take 8 cards.”