
Shake and Spill (K–2)

Stage 1: Count


Students decide together how many counters to use (up to 10). They take turns shaking and spilling the counters. Both partners count the counters. Then, they choose a different number of counters and repeat. 


Students may choose to use the 5-frame to organize the counters. 

Additional Information

Each group of 2 needs a cup and 10 two-color counters.

Stage 2: Which Is More?


Students decide together how many counters to use (up to 10). They take turns shaking and spilling the counters. They compare the number of red and yellow counters and describe their comparisons using the language “more than,” “fewer than,” and “the same as.”


Students may choose to use the 5-frame to organize the counters. 

Additional Information

Each group of 2 needs a cup and 10 two-color counters.

Stage 3: Represent


Students decide together how many counters to use (up to 10). One partner spills the counters. Both partners represent the red and yellow counters on the recording sheet.

This stage has two different recording sheets, one for kindergarten and another for grade 1. Be sure to use the appropriate recording sheet with students. 

Additional Information

Each group of 2 needs a cup and 10 two-color counters.

Stage 4: Cover (up to 10)


Students decide together how many counters to use (up to 10). Partner A closes their eyes while Partner B shakes, spills, and covers up the yellow counters with a cup. Partner A determines how many counters are under the cup and explains how they know. Both partners record the round. Switch roles and repeat.

This stage has two different recording sheets, one for kindergarten and another for grade 1. Be sure to use the appropriate recording sheet with students. 

Additional Information

Each group of 2 needs a cup and 10 two-color counters.

Stage 5: Cover (up to 20)


Students decide together how many counters, between 11–20, to use. Partner A closes their eyes while Partner B shakes, spills, and covers up the yellow counters with a cup. Partner A determines how many counters are under the cup and explains how they know. Both partners record the round. Switch roles and repeat.

Additional Information

Each group of 2 needs a cup and 20 two-color counters.