Lesson 11

Evaluating Logarithmic Expressions

  • Let’s find some logs!

Problem 1

Select all expressions that are equal to \(\log_2 8\).


\(\log_5 20\)


\(\log_5 125\)


\(\log_{10} 100\)


\(\log_{10} 1,\!000\)


\(\log_3 27\)


\(\log_{10} 0.001\)

Problem 2

Which expression has a greater value: \(\log_{10} \frac {1}{100}\) or \(\log_2 \frac {1}{8}\)? Explain how you know.

Problem 3

Andre says that \(\log_{10}(55) = 1.5\) because 55 is halfway between 10 and 100. Do you agree with Andre? Explain your reasoning.

Problem 4

An exponential function is defined by \(k(x)= 15 \boldcdot 2^x\).

  1. Show that when \(x\) increases from 1 to 1.25 and when it increases from 2.75 to 3, the value of \(k\) grows by the same factor.
  2. Show that when \(x\) increases from \(t\) to \(t+0.25\), \(k(t)\) also grows by this same factor.
(From Unit 4, Lesson 5.)

Problem 5

How many times does $1 need to double in value to become $1,000,000? Explain how you know.

(From Unit 4, Lesson 8.)

Problem 6

What values could replace the “?” in these equations to make them true?

  1. \(\log_{10} 10,\!000 = {?}\)
  2. \(\log_{10} 10,\!000,\!000 = {?}\)
  3. \(\log_{10} {?} = 5\)
  4. \(\log_{10} {?} = 1\)
(From Unit 4, Lesson 9.)

Problem 7

  1. What value of \(t\) would make the equation \(2^t = 6\) true?
  2. Between which two whole numbers is the value of \(\log_2 6\)? Explain how you know.
(From Unit 4, Lesson 10.)

Problem 8

For each exponential equation, write an equivalent equation in logarithmic form.

  1. \(3^4 = 81\)
  2. \(10^0 = 1\)
  3. \(4^\frac12= 2\)
  4. \(2^t = 5\)
  5. \(m^n = C\)
(From Unit 4, Lesson 10.)