Lesson 1
Fluidez para sumar hasta 10
Warm-up: Cuántos ves: Hasta 10 (10 minutes)
- Groups of 2
- “¿Cuántos ven? ¿Cómo lo saben?, ¿qué ven?” // “How many do you see? How do you see them?”
- Flash the image.
- 30 seconds: quiet think time
- Display the image.
- “Discutan con su pareja cómo pensaron” // “Discuss your thinking with your partner.”
- 1 minute: partner discussion
- Record responses.
- Repeat for each image.
Student Facing
¿Cuántos ves?
¿Cómo lo sabes?, ¿qué ves?
Student Response
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Activity Synthesis
- “¿Cómo les ayuda el tablero de 10 a saber la suma de dos números?” // “How can the 10-frame help you know the sum of two numbers?” (When I look at a 10-frame I can tell how many are there without counting. When I see two numbers in the 10-frame, I can tell what the sum is by looking at how many empty spaces there are and subtracting from 10.)
Activity 1: Sumas que ya me sé (15 minutes)
The purpose of this activity is for students to identify the sums within 10 that they do not yet know from memory. Students write these sums on index cards which can then be used as flash cards in order to help students practice fluency throughout the unit.
Supports accessibility for: Memory, Organization
Required Materials
Materials to Gather
- Give students colored pencils and index cards.
- “Hoy vamos a repasar sumas hasta 10. Vamos a identificar las sumas que ya nos sabemos y las sumas que nos siguen pareciendo desafiantes” // “Today we are going to revisit sums with values up to 10. We will identify the sums we know the value of from memory and the sums we are still working on."
- Display addition chart.
- Demonstrate saying the value of some of the sums you know aloud, then quickly coloring in that box of the chart. Demonstrate skipping around on the chart, rather than moving down a row or column, to avoid using patterns to identify sums that students aren’t fluent with yet.
- “Miren las expresiones de la tabla y coloreen todas las sumas que ya se saben de memoria. Cuando terminen, probablemente les van a quedar algunas casillas sin colorear. Estas son las sumas que todavía les parecen desafiantes. Escriban cada una de estas sumas en una tarjeta. Después, usen las tarjetas para practicar estas sumas” // “Look at each expression in the chart and color in all the sums you know from memory. When you are done, you will probably have some boxes that are not colored in. These are the sums you are still working on. Write each of these sums on a card. Then use the cards to practice these sums.”
- 10 minutes: independent work time
- Monitor for sums many students identify they still need to work on.
Student Facing
Escribe cada suma que quede sin colorear en una tarjeta.
Usa las tarjetas para practicar esas sumas.
Student Response
Teachers with a valid work email address can click here to register or sign in for free access to Student Response.
Activity Synthesis
“A muchos de nosotros nos siguen pareciendo desafiantes algunas sumas. ¿Cómo podemos practicar estas sumas para encontrar sus valores con fluidez?” // “Many of us have a few sums we are still working on. How can we practice these sums so we find their values with fluency?” (We can think of sums we do know quickly that are like the ones we don't know quickly. We can look for ways to make those sums easier. We can have someone quiz us on them. We can practice different ways that are faster than counting all or using our fingers.)
Activity 2: Centros: Momento de escoger (25 minutes)
The purpose of this activity is for students to choose from activities that focus on building fluency adding within 10. Students choose from previously introduced centers.
- Check It Off
- Number Puzzles
- Capture Squares
Advances: Speaking
Required Materials
Materials to Gather
Required Preparation
- Gather materials from previous centers:
- Check It Off, Stage 1
- Number Puzzles, Stage 1
- Capture Squares, Stage 1
- Groups of 2
- “Hoy vamos a escoger centros de los que ya conocemos” // “Today we are going to choose from centers we have already learned.”
- Display the center choices in the student book.
- “Piensen qué les gustaría hacer primero” // “Think about what you would like to do first.”
- 30 seconds: quiet think time
- Invite students to work at the center of their choice.
- 10 minutes: center work time
- “Escojan qué les gustaría hacer ahora” // “Choose what you would like to do next.”
- 10 minutes: center work time
Student Facing
Escoge un centro.

Acertijos numéricos
Captura cuadrados

Activity Synthesis
- “¿Qué les ayuda más: practicar las sumas con sus tarjetas o jugar juegos que tienen sumas hasta 10?” // “Is it more helpful to practice sums on your index cards, or to play games using addition within 10?” (Index cards because you only focus on the ones you don’t know yet. Games because you get to practice lots of different facts and it is more fun.)
Lesson Synthesis
Lesson Synthesis
“Hoy identificamos cuáles sumas hasta 10 debemos seguir practicando para aprendérnoslas de memoria. ¿Por qué es importante saberse de memoria las sumas hasta 10?” // “Today we identified the sums within 10 we still need to work on in order to know them from memory. Why is it important to know the sums within 10 from memory?” (When we work with larger numbers we will need the sums within 10. So we don’t have to draw a picture or count to solve every problem.)
Cool-down: Unidad 8, punto de chequeo de la sección A (0 minutes)
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