Lesson 3

Características que definen figuras

Warm-up: Conversación numérica: Multipliquemos múltiplos de diez (10 minutes)


This Number Talk prompts students to use place value and properties of operations to multiply single-digit numbers by multiples of ten. The strategies elicited here help students develop fluency.


  • Display one expression.
  • “Hagan una señal cuando tengan una respuesta y puedan explicar cómo la obtuvieron” // “Give me a signal when you have an answer and can explain how you got it.”
  • 1 minute: quiet think time


  • Record answers and strategy.
  • Keep expressions and work displayed.
  • Repeat with each expression.

Student Facing

Encuentra mentalmente el valor de cada expresión.

  • \(4\times40\)
  • \(8\times40\)
  • \(7\times40\)
  • \(9\times40\)

Student Response

Teachers with a valid work email address can click here to register or sign in for free access to Student Response.

Activity Synthesis

  • “¿Cómo usaron \(4\times40\) para encontrar los otros productos?” // “How were you able to use \(4\times40\) to find the other products.” (I doubled \(4\times40\) to find \(8\times40\). Once I knew \(4\times 40\), I could count up or down by 40 to get the other products.)
  • Consider asking: “¿Por qué puede ayudar, en cada expresión, pensar primero que un número se multiplica por 4 en vez de por 40?” // “Why might it be helpful to first think of each expressions as multiplying a number and 4 instead of 40?” (We know many multiplication facts for 4, and that 40 is 4 tens. We can think of each problem as groups of 4 tens instead of groups of 40.)

Activity 1: Aprendamos cómo jugar “El cuadrilátero secreto” (10 minutes)


The purpose of this activity is to introduce the game Mystery Quadrilateral and strategically consider the questions that could be asked next to determine a mystery quadrilateral. Students play a round of this game against the teacher. In the next activity, students will play this game in groups of 2.

Required Materials

Materials to Gather

Required Preparation

  • Gather a set of quadrilateral cards from the previous lesson.


  • “Vamos a jugar un juego que se llama ‘El cuadrilátero secreto’. Lean individualmente las instrucciones” // “We are going to play a game called Mystery Quadrilateral. Read the directions independently."
  • 1 minute: quiet think time


  • “Ahora juguemos una ronda juntos. Yo voy a ser el compañero A y todos ustedes van a ser el compañero B” // “Now let’s play a round together. I’ll be Partner A and the class will be Partner B.”
  • Play a round of the game.

Student Facing

Juega una ronda de “El cuadrilátero secreto” con tu profesor.

  1. Compañero A: escoge una figura del grupo de cuadriláteros. Ponla en la carpeta del cuadrilátero secreto sin que tu compañero la vea.
  2. Compañero B: haz preguntas de “sí” o “no” para identificar el cuadrilátero. Puedes hacer hasta 5 preguntas. Después, adivina cuál es el cuadrilátero secreto.
  3. Compañero A: muéstrale a tu compañero el cuadrilátero secreto.
  4. Intercambia roles con tu compañero y juega otra vez.

Student Response

Teachers with a valid work email address can click here to register or sign in for free access to Student Response.

Activity Synthesis

  • “¿Qué tipos de preguntas nos podrían ayudar a descubrir el cuadrilátero secreto?” // “What kinds of questions might help you figure out the mystery quadrilateral?” (Questions about something we didn’t already know about the shape. General questions to narrow down the type of quadrilateral, then more-specific questions to figure out which one.)

Activity 2: Juguemos “El cuadrilátero secreto” (25 minutes)


The purpose of this activity is for students to practice describing geometric attributes of a quadrilateral with increasing precision by playing a game. Students should be encouraged to ask questions like, “Are all the sides the same length?” rather than, “Is it a square?” to keep the focus on attributes of the quadrilateral rather than the name. As students decide which questions to ask they think about important attributes such as side lengths and angles and have an opportunity to use language precisely (MP6, MP7).

Students will use the quadrilaterals from the previous lesson to hide in the “mystery quadrilateral” folder, but will have a copy of all the shapes in their workbook to support them in asking questions to narrow down the shape. Students can also cover shapes in their workbook with counters as they rule out shapes.

MLR8 Discussion Supports. Synthesis: Think aloud and use gestures to emphasize the attributes that students use to describe the shapes. For example, trace your finger along the angles and sides of the shape as students describe them.
Advances: Listening, Representing
Engagement: Develop Effort and Persistence. Check in and provide each group with feedback that encourages collaboration and community.
Supports accessibility for: Social-Emotional Functioning

Required Materials

Required Preparation

  • Each group of 2 needs a set of quadrilateral cards from the previous lesson.
  • Each group of 2 will need a folder to hide the card during this activity.


  • Groups of 2
  • “Ahora van a jugar ‘El cuadrilátero secreto’ con su compañero. Vuelvan a leer las instrucciones del juego. Después, piensen en algunas palabras que les podrían ayudar mientras juegan” // “Now you’re going to play Mystery Quadrilateral with your partner. Re-read the directions for the game, then think about some words that may be helpful as you play.” (side, angle, right angle, equal, skinny, tall, slanted)
  • 1 minute: quiet think time
  • Share and record responses.
  • Give each group a folder containing a set of the quadrilateral cards from the previous lesson.
  • “¿Cómo pueden usar las imágenes de todos los cuadriláteros que hay en su hoja mientras juegan?” // “How could you use the images of all the quadrilaterals on your paper as you play?” (They can help me think about questions I could ask. I could mark off quadrilaterals as I figure out that they're not the mystery quadrilateral.)
  • Give students access to counters and let them know they can be used to cover shapes they want to cross out during the game.


  • “Jueguen ‘El cuadrilátero secreto’ con su compañero. Asegúrense de turnarse para esconder la figura y adivinar cuál es la figura” //  “Play Mystery Quadrilateral with your partner. Be sure to take turns hiding the shape and guessing the shape.”
  • 10–15 minutes: partner work time

Student Facing

  1. Compañero A: escoge una figura del grupo de cuadriláteros. Ponla en la carpeta del cuadrilátero secreto sin que tu compañero la vea.
  2. Compañero B: haz preguntas de “sí” o “no” para identificar el cuadrilátero. Puedes hacer hasta 5 preguntas. Luego, adivina cuál es el cuadrilátero secreto.
  3. Compañero A: muéstrale a tu compañero el cuadrilátero secreto.
  4. Intercambia roles con tu compañero y juega otra vez.

Student Response

Teachers with a valid work email address can click here to register or sign in for free access to Student Response.

Activity Synthesis

  • “¿Cuáles figuras fueron las más fáciles de descubrir y por qué?” // “What shapes were the easiest to figure out and why?” (W was easy because it was so different with one angle pointing in. X was easy because it was the only square resting on a side.)
  • “¿Sobre cuáles figuras resultó más retador hacer preguntas y por qué?” // “What shapes were the most challenging to ask questions about and why?” (FF was challenging because none of the sides were the same length, and it was hard to get more information with “yes” or “no” questions. M and BB were hard to tell apart because they were so similar and it was hard to figure out what questions to ask.)

Lesson Synthesis

Lesson Synthesis

Display cards S, U, and X.

“Estos son algunos cuadriláteros que tienen algunas cosas en común. ¿Qué características usarían para describir en qué son diferentes?” // “Here are some quadrilaterals that are the same in some ways. What attributes would you use to describe how they’re different?” (I would focus on the number of sides that are the same length. I would focus on the number of right angles they have.)

Cool-down: Figura secreta (5 minutes)


Teachers with a valid work email address can click here to register or sign in for free access to Cool-Downs.