1.1 Adding, Subtracting, and Working with Data

Unit Goals

  • Students add and subtract within 10, and represent and interpret categorical data.

Section A Goals

  • Build toward fluency by adding and subtracting within 10 in a way that makes sense to them.

Section B Goals

  • Organize and represent data.

Section C Goals

  • Interpret data representations to ask and answer questions.
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Glossary Entries

  • category
    A label that tells how objects in a group are alike.

  • data
    Information about the things or people in a group.

    Example: If you have a box of colored pencils, then the lengths and colors of each of the pencils are data about the pencils in the box.

  • difference
    The result when one number is subtracted from another.

  • sum
    The total when two or more numbers are added.

  • survey
    A way to collect data using a group of people answering the same question.