
Watch Your Remainder (4–5)

Stage 1: One-digit Divisors


Before playing, students remove the cards that show 10 and set them aside.

Students spin the spinner to get the divisor for the round. Each student picks 6 cards and chooses 3–4 of them to create a dividend. Each student finds their quotient. The score for the round is the remainder from each expression. Students pick new cards so that they have 6 cards in their hand and then start the next round. The player with the lowest score after 6 rounds wins.

Stage 2: Two-digit Divisors


Before playing, students remove the cards that show 10 and set them aside.

Each student picks 7 cards and chooses at least 5 of them to use to create a division expression with a two-digit divisor. Each student finds their quotient. The score for the round is the remainder from each expression. Students pick new cards so that they have 7 cards in their hand and then start the next round. The player with the lowest score after 6 rounds wins.