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Corrections to the Second Printing
Your book is from the second printing if it has K5_v1 and then a date, such as 20211203, at the very bottom of the copyright page. The first printing does not have a date below K5_v1. The second printing of these materials has the corrections to the first printing listed below already in place.

Unit 4, Lesson 6, Activity 1, Activity Synthesis. In the ninth bullet, instead of “What does 4,280 represent..." it should say “What does 4,820 represent..."

Unit 4, Lesson 11, Activity 2, Student Task Statement, Problem 3. In the first bullet, instead of \(165\div31\) it should say \(62\div31\).

Unit 4, Lesson 18. Throughout this lesson, instead of “ounces" it should say “cubic inches".

Unit 5, Lesson 5, Activity 1, Student Responses. In response 1, instead of “...Jada only threw it 5 feet..." it should say .“..Jada only threw it 5 meters..." 

Centers, Can You Build It, Stage 3, Narrative. The sentence, “Before playing, students remove the cards that show 6 or higher and set them aside." was removed.

Centers, Compare, Stage 4. A student direction sheet was added.

Centers, Jump the Line, Stage 2 Gameboard. In the image of a number line, instead of 10 tick marks between each number, there should be 9 tick marks.

Centers, Number Puzzles Multiplication and Division, Stage 1, Recording Sheet. The recording sheet have been updated to correct errors in equations.

Centers, Tic Tac Round, Stages 1–3, Required Materials. Paper clips need to be added as a required material.

Centers, Watch Your Remainder, Stage 1, Recording Sheet. Instead of "Pick cards and use 3–4 of them to create a divisor." it should say "Pick cards and use 3–4 of them to create a dividend."

Corrections to the First Printing
Your book is from the first printing if it has K5_v1 at the very bottom of the copyright page. The second printing has a date below this line.

Unit 1, Lesson 9, Activity 2. In the second bullet of the activity synthesis, instead of \((2 \times 3 \times 4)\) it should say \(((2 \times 3) \times 4)\)

Unit 1, Section C Checkpoint, Problem 1, Part b, Student Response. Instead of “384 cubic units” it should say “384 cubic inches”.

Unit 1, Suggested Center, Can You Build It Stage 3. The Number Cards 0–10 blackline master was attached and this note was added: this center stage is the first time Number Cards 0–10 are used in Grade 5, so they are provided as a blackline master. Students will continue to use these throughout the year. Consider copying them on cardstock or laminating them and keeping them organized to be used repeatedly. 

Unit 2. This sentence was added to the unit narrative and the Lesson 1 narrative: “Throughout this unit, it is assumed that the sharing is always equal sharing, whether explicitly stated or not.” We plan to revisit making this assumption more explicit in future versions. 

Unit 2, Section A Narrative. Instead of “They solve a sequence of problems about situations that involve sharing a whole number of objects.” it should say “They solve a sequence of problems about situations that involve sharing a whole number of objects equally.”

Unit 2, Lesson 1, Activity 1. In the activity synthesis, instead of “We can represent sharing situations with division expressions.” it should say “We can represent equal sharing situations with division expressions.”

Unit 2, Lesson 9, Activity 1. In the fourth bullet of the activity synthesis, instead of “How does the expression \(6 \times \frac{1}{4}\) also represent the shaded area in square units?” it should say “How does the expression \(6 \times \frac{1}{4}\) represent the shaded area in square units?” 

Unit 2, Lesson 16, Activity 1, Activity Synthesis. Instead of “I know that is 36...” it should say “I know that \(9 \times 4 = 36\)...”.

Unit 2, Section C Practice Problem 1. Instead of “How is finding the area the same?” it should say “How is finding the area of the shaded region the same?”

Unit 2, Section C Practice Problem 2. Instead of “What is the area of this rectangle?” it should say “What is the area of the shaded region?”

Unit 2, Section C Practice Problem 3. Instead of “This diagram shows...” it should say “The shaded part of this diagram shows...”.

Unit 3, Lesson 1, Activity 1. In the teacher facing notes for the activity, instead of \(\frac{1}{2}\) of \(\frac{1}{3}\) it should say \(\frac{1}{3}\) of \(\frac{1}{2}\).

Unit 3, Lesson 3, Activity 2, Student Response. The responses were renumbered to match the task.

Unit 3, Lesson 4, Activity 1, Student Task Statement. Instead of “fraction of the sports section” it should say “fraction of the park.”

Unit 3, Lesson 6, Activity 2, Student Responses, Response 3. Instead of “The shaded part is a 6 by 5 array and the unit square is a 4 by 5 array. So, there are 30 pieces that are twentieths." it should say “The shaded part is a 6 by 4 array and the unit square is a 4 by 5 array. So, there are 24 pieces that are twentieths."

Unit 3, Section A, Practice Problem 5. Instead of “\(\frac{2}{5}\) the width of the red and white stripes” it should say “\(\frac{2}{5}\) the width of the flag.”

Unit 3, Lesson 12, Activity 2, Student Task Statement. In the first problem, instead of “Find the value of the expression. Explain or show your thinking. \(\frac {1}{3} \div 2 = \underline{\hspace{1 cm}}\)” it should say “Find the value of \(\frac {1}{3} \div 2\). Explain or show your reasoning.”

Unit 3, Lesson 14, Student Facing Learning Goal. Instead of “Let's solve problems involving division of a unit fraction by a whole number” it should say “Let's solve problems involving division of a whole number by a unit fraction”.

Unit 3, Lesson 15, Activity 2. In the third bullet of the activity, instead of “how many in one group” it should say “how many groups”.

Unit 3, Section B, Practice Problem 8, Student Response B. Instead of “5 days” it should say “4 days” and instead of \(\frac{1}{15}\) it should say \(\frac{1}{12}\).

Unit 3, Lesson 20, Activity 2. In the second bullet of the activity synthesis, instead of \(\frac {1}{4} \div 24 \) it should say \(\frac {1}{4} \div 24 = \underline{\hspace{1 cm}}\).

Unit 3, Lesson 20, Activity 2. In the last bullet of the activity synthesis, instead of “If 24 is \(\frac {1}{4}\) of the class...”, it should say “If 24 is \(\frac {1}{4}\) of the grade...”

Unit 4, Lesson 2, Activity 1. In the fourth bullet of the activity synthesis instead of \((40 + 2) \times (30 + 3) =\) \((40 \times 30) + (2 \times 30) + (40 \times 3) + (40 \times 2)\) it should say  \((40 + 2) \times (30 + 3) =\) \((40 \times 30) + (2 \times 30) + (40 \times 3) + (2 \times 3)\).

Unit 4, Lesson 6, Activity 2. In the activity synthesis, instead of “Display the expression: \(647 \times 50\)” it should say “Display the expression: \(647 \times 59\)”.

Unit 4, Lesson 12, Cool-down, Student Responses. Instead of \(5,\!400 \div 14\) it should say \(5,\!400 \div 15\).

Unit 4, Lesson 15, Activity 1. In the launch, instead of “How can we find the exact length of the garden?” it should say “How can we find the exact width of the garden?”

Unit 4, Lesson 15, Activity 2, Student Task Statement. In the first and last problems, instead of “What relationships do you see in these problems?” it should say “What relationships do you see between these problems?”

Unit 5, Lesson 3, Cool-down, Student Task Statement. Instead of “The diagram shows a number.” it should say “The shaded region of the diagram shows a number.”

Unit 5, Lesson 4, Activity 2, Activity Synthesis. In the fourth bullet, instead of “tenths)” it should say “It shows the 5 is \(5 \times 0.1\) or 5 tenths.)”

Unit 5, Section A, Practice Problem 2. Instead of “Write a multiplication equation shown by the diagram.” it should say “Write a multiplication equation shown by the shaded region of the diagram.”

Unit 5, Section D, Checkpoint Problem 2a. Instead of “Explain how the diagram shows \(0.72 \div 6\).” it should say “Explain how the shaded region of the diagram shows \(0.72 \div 6\).”

Unit 6, Lesson 15, Activity 1. In the blackline master, instead of “Growing Plants” and “Seedling Heights (inches)”, the labels on the line plots should say “Apricot Weights” and “weight (ounces)”. Additionally, only the first two card sets should be included.  

Unit 7, Lesson 8, Warm-up. In the last bullet of the activity synthesis, instead of "the the angle less than" it should say "the angle is less than."

Unit 7, Lesson 11, Activity 1, Student Task Statement and Student Responses. The grid for student B should have the same labels as the grid for student A (x-axis: rule 1, y-axis: rule 2).

Course Guide, Assessments Guidance, Formative Assessment Opportunities. This sentence was added about monitoring sheets: “Each section also has a monitoring sheet that can be used to indicate that students are meeting the section goals.” 

Course Guide, About These Materials. A note was added about frequently used blackline masters recommended for lamination, including a list of where to find these blackline masters in each grade.

Centers, Capture Squares, Stage 7, Gameboard. Instead of “If you can’t draw a line, choose 2 new cards”, it should say “If you can’t draw a line, roll and spin again”. 

Centers, Jump the Line, Stages 2 and 3, Spinner. Instead of including only one spinner, the blackline master should have three of the same spinner.

Centers, Target Measurements, Stage 4, Homemade Protractor. Instead of one circle, the blackline master should have two circles and directions for making the protractor.