Lesson 3
Exploremos las fichas de dos colores y los tableros de 5
Warm-up: Observa y pregúntate: Fichas y tableros de 5 (15 minutes)
This warm-up prompts students to notice and wonder about four different math tools, two tools they have previously worked with, and two new tools they will explore in this lesson. The structure of the image is the same as what students will see in the Which One Doesn’t Belong routine that they will be introduced to in a future unit. To prepare for that, the synthesis focuses on comparing the different tools. Listen to the language students use to describe and explain to others how they see the different math tools (MP3, MP6).
- Groups of 2
- Display the image.
- “¿Qué observan?” // “What do you notice?”
- 30 seconds: quiet think timehaya
- “Cuéntenle a su compañero qué observaron” // “Tell your partner what you noticed.”
- 1 minute: partner discussion
- “Compartan algo que su compañero haya observado” // “Share something that your partner noticed.”
- Share and record responses.
- “¿Qué se preguntan?” // “What do you wonder?”
- 30 seconds: quiet think time
- 1 minute: partner discussion
- “Compartan algo que su compañero se haya preguntado” // “Share something that your partner wondered.”
- Share and record responses.
Student Facing
¿Qué observas?
¿Qué te preguntas?

Student Response
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Activity Synthesis
- “Estas herramientas se llaman fichas de dos colores” // “These tools are called two-color counters.”
- If needed, ask “¿En qué se parecen estas herramientas? ¿En qué son diferentes?” // “How are these math tools the same? How are they different?”
Activity 1: Exploremos fichas y tableros de 5 (15 minutes)
The purpose of this activity is for students to explore and use two-color counters and 5-frames. Students have an opportunity to explore the tools before they are asked to use them to represent mathematical situations in later lessons. As students work, observe whether students count the two-color counters or use the 5-frames to organize the two-color counters.
5-frames are provided as a blackline master. Students will continue to use these throughout the year. Consider copying them on cardstock or laminating them and keeping them organized to be used repeatedly.
Advances: Listening, Representing, Speaking
Supports accessibility for: Attention, Social-Emotional Functioning
Required Materials
- Groups of 2
- Give each student a 5-frame.
- “Mientras exploran las fichas de dos colores, también van a explorar una herramienta nueva que se llama tablero de 5” // “As you explore the two-color counters, you will also explore a new tool called a 5-frame.”
- Display the 5-frame.
- “¿Por qué creen que se llama tablero de 5?” // “Why do you think we call this a 5-frame?” (Because it has five spaces or squares in it.)
- 30 seconds: quiet think time
- Share responses.
- Give each group of students a container of two-color counters.
- “Exploremos las fichas de dos colores y los tableros de 5” // “Let’s explore two-color counters and 5-frames.”
- 10 minutes: independent work time
- “Compartan con su compañero una de las cosas que hicieron o construyeron con las fichas de dos colores y los tableros de 5” // “Share one thing you did or made with the two-color counters and 5-frames with your partner.”
- 2 minutes: partner discussion
Student Facing
Exploremos las fichas de dos colores y los tableros de 5.
Student Response
Teachers with a valid work email address can click here to register or sign in for free access to Student Response.
Activity Synthesis
- Ask 3–4 groups of students to share what they did or made with two-color counters and 5-frames.
Lesson Synthesis
Lesson Synthesis
Display the image from the warm-up.
“Hemos aprendido sobre herramientas que nos pueden ayudar a hacer matemáticas —cubos encajables, fichas geométricas, fichas de dos colores y tableros de 5—” // “We’ve learned about tools that can help us do math—connecting cubes, pattern blocks, two-color counters, and 5-frames.”
“¿Qué herramientas pueden usar para contar? Compartan con su compañero” // “Which tools can you use to count? Share with your partner.”
Invite students to share an idea that their partner shared.
“¿Qué herramientas pueden usar para hacer figuras? Compartan sus ideas con su compañero” // “Which tools can you use to make shapes? Share with your partner.”
Invite students to share an idea that their partner shared.
“Practiquemos contar hasta 10” // “Let’s practice counting to 10.”
Demonstrate counting to 10. Count to 10 as a class 1–2 times.
Cool-down: Unidad 1, Punto de chequeo de la sección A (0 minutes)
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