Lesson 9

¿En dónde están las matemáticas?

Warm-up: ¿Qué sabes sobre nuestra escuela? (10 minutes)


The purpose of this What Do You Know About is to invite students to share what they know about the school, which prepares students to ask and answer mathematical questions about the school community in later activities.


  • “¿Qué saben sobre nuestra escuela?” // “What do you know about our school?”
  • 1 minute: quiet think time


  • Record responses.

Student Facing

¿Qué sabes sobre nuestra escuela?

Student Response

Teachers with a valid work email address can click here to register or sign in for free access to Student Response.

Activity Synthesis

  • “Sabemos muchas cosas sobre nuestra escuela. En las siguientes actividades, vamos a pensar en cosas que no sabemos todavía sobre nuestra escuela y en cómo podemos trabajar juntos y usar las matemáticas para descifrarlas” // “We know a lot of things about our school. In the next activities, we will get to think about things that we don’t know about our school yet and how we could work together and use math to figure these things out.”

Activity 1: Otro recorrido por la escuela (15 minutes)


The purpose of this activity is for students to develop mathematical questions about their school community. This walk could also take place on the playground or in the local community.

MLR8 Discussion Supports. Synthesis: As students share their questions, include a drawing or annotation to clarify any questions about context. Invite students to notice common language used in mathematical questions such as: how many, how much, which, more than, taller than, etc.
Advances: Speaking, Representing

Required Materials

Materials to Gather


  • Give each student a clipboard with a blank piece of paper.
  • “Vamos a hacer otro recorrido por la escuela. Su tarea es pensar en preguntas matemáticas sobre nuestra escuela que les gustaría responder. Usen su hoja de registro para anotar las preguntas que tengan y así poder recordarlas más tarde” // “We’re going to take another walk around the school. Your job is to think of math questions that you would like to answer about our school. Use your recording sheet to help you remember what questions you have.”


  • 15 minutes: whole-class school walk

Student Facing

¿Qué preguntas matemáticas tienes sobre nuestra escuela?

Student Response

Teachers with a valid work email address can click here to register or sign in for free access to Student Response.

Activity Synthesis

  • Invite students to share their questions.
  • Record student questions on an anchor chart. Keep the chart display during the next activity.

Activity 2: Respondamos nuestras preguntas matemáticas (30 minutes)


The purpose of this activity is for students to answer mathematical questions about their school community (MP4). Students work with a partner to choose a question to answer. Students work together to develop a plan for how they will answer the question and what, if any, math tools they will need. Then students have time to work together to answer the question. Students will need an opportunity to go out into the school to answer many of the questions. If necessary, this activity can be adjusted to be completed in one room or one area of the school. If time allows, students can pick multiple questions to answer.

Action and Expression: Internalize Executive Functions. Invite students to plan a strategy, including what they will include to show their thinking (drawings, numbers, or words). Students can take turns verbally sharing their plan with their partner and work on an overall plan to answer their question.
Supports accessibility for: Conceptual Processing, Organization

Required Preparation

  • Students need access to all math tools that they have used throughout the year.


  • Groups of 2
  • Give students access to all math tools.
  • Reread the questions from the previous activity.
  • “Escojan 1 pregunta que quieran responder con su pareja. Escriban la pregunta en la parte de arriba de su hoja” // “Choose 1 question that you want to answer with your partner. Write the question at the top of your page.”
  • 1 minute: partner discussion
  • 2 minutes: independent work time
  • “¿Qué necesitan hacer para responder la pregunta? ¿Qué herramientas necesitan?” // “What will you need to do to answer the question? What tools do you need?”
  • 3 minutes: partner discussion


  • “Con su compañero, respondan su pregunta. Muestren cómo pensaron. Usen dibujos, números o palabras” // “Work with your partner to answer your question. Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words.”
  • 10 minutes: partner work time

Student Facing


Student Response

Teachers with a valid work email address can click here to register or sign in for free access to Student Response.

Activity Synthesis

  • “¿Hubo algún reto inesperado cuando trataron de responder la pregunta que escogieron?” // “Were there any unexpected challenges that you faced when trying to answer the question you chose?”
  • “¿Hubo alguna pregunta que no hayan podido responder? ¿Por qué no? ¿Qué información o herramienta les ayudaría a responder esa pregunta?” // “Were there any questions that you could not answer? Why not? What information or tool would help you answer that question?”

Lesson Synthesis

Lesson Synthesis

“Hoy hicimos y respondimos preguntas matemáticas sobre nuestra escuela. ¿Qué pregunta matemática podrían hacer sobre su casa?” // “Today we asked and answered math questions about our school. What is a math question that you could ask about your home?”

Share and record responses.

“¿Cómo podrían descifrar la respuesta a su pregunta?” // “How could you figure out the answer to your question?”

Share responses. 

Cool-down: Unidad 8, punto de chequeo de la sección B (0 minutes)


Teachers with a valid work email address can click here to register or sign in for free access to Cool-Downs.