Lesson 7

Día 1 de centros

Warm-up: Conteo grupal: Más allá de 40 (10 minutes)


The purpose of this Choral Count is to invite students to practice counting forward by 1 and notice patterns in the count. These understandings help students develop fluency and will be helpful later in this lesson when students may count on to add.

When students notice patterns such as the 0–9 pattern in the ones place, as well as the pattern in the tens place they are making use of the base-ten structure (MP7).


  • “Cuenten de 1 en 1, empezando en 40” // “Count by 1, starting at 40.”
  • Record as students count.
  • Stop counting and recording at 62.


  • “¿Qué patrones ven?” // “What patterns do you see?”
  • 1–2 minutes: quiet think time
  • Record responses.

Student Response

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Activity Synthesis

  • “¿Quién puede describir el patrón con otras palabras?” // “Who can restate the pattern in different words?”
  • “¿Qué número va después de 62? ¿Cómo lo saben?” // “What number comes after 62? How do you know?”

Activity 1: Conozcamos “Compara: Suma y resta hasta 10” (15 minutes)


The purpose of this activity is for students to learn a new center called Compare. Both partners flip over a card with an addition or subtraction expression within 10. The partner whose card has the greater value takes both cards. The game is over when each partner runs out of cards to flip over. The partner with the most cards wins.

MLR8 Discussion Supports. Prior to playing the game, invite students to make sense of the situations and take turns sharing their understanding with their partner. Listen for and clarify any questions about the context.
Advances: Reading, Representing

Required Materials

Materials to Gather

Materials to Copy

  • Compare Stage 1 Addition Cards to 10
  • Compare Stage 1 Subtraction Cards to 10

Required Preparation

  • Create a set of Addition Fact Cards to 10 and Subtraction Fact Cards to 10 from the blackline master for each group of 2.


  • Groups of 2
  • Give each group a set of addition and subtraction cards and access to connecting cubes or two-color counters.
  • “Vamos a jugar un nuevo juego que se llama ‘Compara’. Juguemos una ronda juntos. Todos pueden jugar como si fueran mi pareja” // “We are going to learn a new game called Compare. Let’s play a round together. You can all play as my partner.”
  • “Cada persona voltea una tarjeta que tiene una expresión. La persona que tenga la expresión con el valor mayor se queda con las dos tarjetas. Si las tarjetas tienen el mismo valor, volteen dos tarjetas nuevas” // “Each person flips over a card with an expression. The person who has the card with the greater value takes both cards. If the cards have the same value, flip over two new cards.”
  • Flip over one card for you and one for the class.
  • “¿Cuál es el valor de mi tarjeta y cómo lo saben?” // “What is the value of my card and how do you know?”
  • 30 seconds: quiet think time
  • 30 seconds: partner discussion
  • Share responses.
  • “¿Cuál es el valor de sus tarjetas y cómo lo saben?” // “What is the value of your cards and how do you know?”
  • 30 seconds: quiet think time
  • 30 seconds: partner discussion
  • Share responses.
  • “Yo tomo (o ustedes toman) las dos tarjetas. Después, volteamos una tarjeta nueva y jugamos otra vez. El juego se acaba cuando se acaben las tarjetas para voltear. Gana la persona que tenga más tarjetas al final del juego” // “I (You) take both cards. Then we each flip over a new card and play again. The game is over when you run out of cards to flip over. The winner is the person who has more cards at the end of the game.”


  • 10 minutes: partner work time 

Activity Synthesis

  • Display cards with \(7 - 2\) and \(2 + 3\).
  • “¿Cuál tarjeta tiene el valor mayor?” // “Which card has the greater value?” (They have the same value. They are both 5.)
  • “Podríamos escribir \(7 - 2 = 2 + 3\) porque estas tarjetas tienen el mismo valor” // “We could write \(7 - 2 = 2 + 3\) because these cards have the same value.”

Activity 2: Centros: Momento de escoger (25 minutes)


The purpose of this activity is for students to choose an activity to work on that focuses on addition and subtraction within 10. Students choose from any stage of previously introduced centers.

  • Number Puzzles
  • Find the Pair
  • Compare

Required Materials

Materials to Gather

Required Preparation

  • Gather materials from previous centers:
    • Number Puzzles, Stage 1
    • Find the Pair, Stage 2
    • Compare, Stage 1


  • Groups of 2
  • “Ahora van a escoger centros de los que ya conocemos” // “Now you are going to choose from centers we have already learned.”
  • Display the center choices in the student book.
  • “Piensen qué les gustaría hacer primero” // “Think about what you would like to do first.”
  • 30 seconds: quiet think time


  • Invite students to work at the center of their choice.
  • 10 minutes: center work time
  • “Escojan qué les gustaría hacer ahora” // “Choose what you would like to do next.”
  • 10 minutes: center work time

Student Facing

Escoge un centro.

Acertijos numéricos

Center activity. Number Puzzles.

Encuentra la pareja

Center. Find the pair.


Center. Compare.

Activity Synthesis

  • “¿Qué cosa aprendieron o en qué cosa mejoraron al trabajar en la actividad que escogieron?” // “What is one thing you learned or got better at by working on the activity you chose?”

Lesson Synthesis

Lesson Synthesis

“Hoy aprendimos un nuevo juego que podemos jugar en los centros” // “Today we learned a new game that we can play during center time.”

“¿Cómo les fue trabajando con su pareja en los centros? ¿Qué salió bien? ¿Qué podemos mejorar?” // “How did you and your partner work together during centers? What went well? What can we continue to work on?”

Cool-down: Unidad 3, punto de chequeo de la sección A (0 minutes)


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