Lesson 24
Relate Counting to Addition and Subtraction
Lesson Purpose
The purpose of this lesson is for students to analyze and use counting on and taking away methods to subtract within 20.
Lesson Narrative
In a previous unit, as well as a previous section in this unit, students related addition to subtraction and thought about how knowing their addition facts to 10 could help them find differences.
The work of this lesson builds on students understanding of the relationship between addition and subtraction. In the first activity, students analyze two different methods for solving the same subtraction problem, then they try each method with new problems. In the second activity, students find the value of the difference in subtraction equations and find the value in missing addend equations.
- Engagement
- MLR7
Activity 1: Different Ways to Subtract
Learning Goals
Teacher Facing
- Analyze and use counting on and taking away as methods to subtract.
Student Facing
- Let’s subtract by counting on or taking away.

Required Materials
Materials to Gather
Required Preparation
Lesson Timeline
Warm-up | 10 min |
Activity 1 | 20 min |
Activity 2 | 20 min |
Lesson Synthesis | 10 min |
Cool-down | 0 min |
Teacher Reflection Questions
With which math ideas from today’s lesson did students grapple most? Did this surprise you or was this what you expected?