
Jump the Line (2–5)

Stage 1: Add and Subtract within 100


Both players start at 30 on a number line marked by 1. Spinners show adding or subtracting 10, 5, or 1.

Additional Information

Each group of 2 needs a sheet protector, a dry erase marker, and 2 paper clips.

Stage 2: Add and Subtract Tenths and Hundredths


Both players start at 0 on a number line marked by \(\frac{1}{100}\). Spinners show adding or subtracting tenths or hundredths.

Additional Information

Each group of 2 needs a sheet protector, a dry erase marker, and a paper clip.

Stage 3: Add and Subtract Tenths, Hundredths, and Thousandths


Both players start at 0 on a number line marked by \(\frac{5}{1,000}\). Spinners show adding or subtracting tenths, hundredths, or thousandths.

Additional Information

Each group of 2 needs a sheet protector, a dry erase marker, and a paper clip.