Lesson 8

Clasifiquemos y contemos tarjetas de figura

Warm-up: Cuál es diferente: Mostremos cantidades (10 minutes)


The purpose of this warm-up is for students to compare and contrast ways of representing quantities. This warm-up prepares students to represent shapes they sort in a way that makes sense to them.


  • Groups of 2
  • Display the image.
  • “Escojan una que sea diferente. Prepárense para explicar por qué es diferente” // “Pick one that doesn’t belong. Be ready to share why it doesn’t belong.”
  • 1 minute: quiet think time


  • “Discutan con su pareja cómo pensaron” // “Discuss your thinking with your partner.”
  • 2–3 minutes: partner discussion
  • Share and record responses.

Student Facing

¿Cuál es diferente?

ATally marks, 5.
BRow of shapes. Triangles, 3.

C2 rows of dots. Top row, 2. Bottom row, 3. Total, 5
DNumber. 5.

Student Response

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Activity Synthesis

  • “¿En cuál representación pueden ver más fácilmente cuántos hay? ¿Por qué?” // “Which representation is easiest for you to see how many? Why?” (The three triangles because I can just look at it and know how many. The number 5 because I don't have to count.)

Activity 1: Clasifiquemos figuras (10 minutes)


The purpose of this activity is for students to organize shape cards into three categories and name the categories. Students describe how they sorted and how many shapes are in each category. Students choose and describe different attributes of their shapes and how those attributes determine the different ways they sorted their shapes (MP3). Students create a representation of how they sorted in the next activity.

Required Materials

Materials to Gather

Materials to Copy

  • Shape Cards

Required Preparation

  • Create a set of shape cards from the blackline master for each group of 2.
  • Have extra copies of the three-column table from a previous lesson available for students. 


  • Groups of 2
  • Give each group a set of shape cards and access to copies of the three-column table.
  • “Miren todas sus tarjetas. Obsérvenlas durante un minuto ustedes solos y piensen cómo las clasificarían” // “Look at all of your shape cards. Take a minute to look over the cards by yourself first and think about how you would sort them.”
  • 1 minute: quiet think time


  • “Con su pareja, clasifiquen las tarjetas en tres categorías como ustedes quieran. No tienen que usar todas las tarjetas” // “Work with your partner to sort the cards into three categories in any way that you want. You do not need to use all of the cards.”
  • 5 minutes: partner work time
  • “Compartan con otro grupo. Expliquen cómo clasificaron las figuras. Digan cuántas figuras hay en cada categoría y cuántas figuras hay en total” // “Share with another group. Explain how you sorted the shapes. Tell how many shapes are in each category and how many shapes there are altogether.” (There are 5 white shapes. There are 12 shapes altogether.)
  • 2 minutes: small group discussion
  • Monitor for two groups who sorted their cards in different ways.

Student Response

Teachers with a valid work email address can click here to register or sign in for free access to Student Response.

Activity Synthesis

  • Invite previously identified students to share.
  • “¿Cómo clasificaron ellos sus figuras? ¿Cuántas figuras hay en cada categoría?” // “How did this group sort their shapes? How many shapes are in each category?” (They sorted by color. There are 6 white shapes, 3 black shapes, and 3 gray shapes.)

Activity 2: Muestren sus clasificaciones (15 minutes)


The purpose of this activity is for students to represent how they sorted their shapes in the previous activity and tell how many in each category and how many in all. At the end of the activity, display each representation on tables or walls, to use during the gallery walk in the next activity.

MLR8 Discussion Supports. Synthesis: For each explanation that is shared, invite students to turn to a partner and restate what they heard using precise mathematical language.
Advances: Listening, Speaking
Action and Expression: Develop Expression and Communication. Provide alternative options for expression. Some students may benefit from the option of creating a representation by gluing or taping their shape cards from the previous activity onto a poster.
Supports accessibility for: Visual-Spatial Processing, Organization 

Required Materials

Required Preparation

  • Have extra copies of the three-column table from a previous lesson available for students. 


  • Give students access to colored pencils or crayons and copies of the three-column table.


  • Read the task statement.
  • 10 minutes: independent work time

Student Facing

  1. Muestra cómo clasificaste las tarjetas.
    Asegúrate de que quien vea tu hoja pueda ver cuántas figuras hay en cada categoría.

  2. Completa las afirmaciones:

    1. La primera categoría tiene ____________ figuras.
    2. La segunda categoría tiene ____________ figuras.
    3. La tercera categoría tiene ____________ figuras.
    4. La cuarta categoría tiene ____________ figuras.

Student Response

Teachers with a valid work email address can click here to register or sign in for free access to Student Response.

Advancing Student Thinking

If students make a representation that doesn’t show three categories, consider asking,

  • “¿Puedes explicar cómo mostraste tu clasificación en la hoja?” // “Can you explain how you showed your sort on the paper?”
  • “¿Cómo podrías mostrar cada categoría en tu representación?” // “How could you show each category in your representation?”

Activity Synthesis

  • “Ahora vamos a tener la oportunidad de observar e interpretar las representaciones de los demás” // “Now we will have a chance to look at and interpret each other's representations.”

Activity 3: Recorrido por el salón: Clasificación de figuras (15 minutes)


The purpose of this activity is for students to interpret different representations created based on their shape sorts. Students use the different representations to determine how many shapes are in each category. During the synthesis, students discuss aspects of representations that make them easier to interpret.

Required Materials

Required Preparation

  • Display students’ representations of their shape sorts on tables or walls so they are easily seen as students walk around.


  • Groups of 2


  • “Observen cada representación con su pareja. Discutan cómo hizo cada grupo para clasificar las figuras, cuántas figuras hay en cada categoría y cómo lo saben” // “With your partner, look at each representation. Discuss how each group sorted the shapes, how many shapes are in each category, and how you know.”
  • 10 minutes: partner discussion 
  • As students work, consider asking:
    • “¿Cómo muestra esta representación cuántas figuras hay en la primera categoría?” // “How does this representation show how many shapes are in the first category?”
    • “¿Qué hace que esta representación sea fácil de interpretar?” // “What makes this representation easy to interpret?”
  • Monitor for representations that use shapes, tally marks, numbers, and labels. 

Student Response

Teachers with a valid work email address can click here to register or sign in for free access to Student Response.

Activity Synthesis

  • Display previously identified representations. 
  • “¿Cómo clasificó este grupo sus figuras? ¿Cuántas figuras hay en cada categoría? ¿Cómo lo saben?” // “How did this group sort their shapes? How many are in each category? How do you know?”
  • Repeat with different student work as time allows. 
  • “¿Cuál fue la representación más fácil de interpretar? ¿Por qué fue más fácil?” // “Which representation was easiest to interpret? What made it easier than the others?” (The one with numbers was easiest because I didn’t have to count. The one with labels was easiest because I knew what the groups were.)

Lesson Synthesis

Lesson Synthesis

“Hoy vimos diferentes formas de mostrar nuestras clasificaciones y hablamos sobre cómo asegurar que sean fáciles de entender para otros. ¿Qué le cambiarían a su representación para que los demás la entiendan más fácilmente? Cuéntenle a su pareja.” // “Today we saw different ways to show our sorts and talked about how we can make sure they are easy for others to understand. Tell your partner one thing you would change that would make your representation easier for someone to understand.” (I would add labels. I would count my shapes and write the number so other people don’t have to count.)

Cool-down: Unidad 1, punto de chequeo de la sección B (0 minutes)


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