Lesson 5

Algunos triángulos, todos los triángulos

Lesson Purpose

The purpose of this lesson is for students to identify defining and non-defining attributes of triangles. Students draw triangles based on defining attributes.

Lesson Narrative

In previous lessons, students used their own language, and continued to refine their language, as they sorted and identified shapes, including triangles, squares, rectangles, circles, and hexagons. They drew shapes based on attributes.

In this lesson, students analyze examples and non-examples of triangles and identify defining and non-defining attributes of triangles. Then, using dot paper, students draw different triangles.

  • Representation
  • MLR8

Learning Goals

Teacher Facing

  • Draw triangles based on their defining attributes.
  • Identify defining and non-defining attributes of triangles.

Student Facing

  • Descubramos qué hace que una figura sea un triángulo.

Required Materials

Materials to Gather

Materials to Copy

  • Centimeter Dot Paper - Standard

Required Preparation

Activity 1:

  • Each group of 2 needs a set of Flat Shape Cards from a previous lesson.

Activity 2:

  • Each group needs a set of Flat Shape Cards from the previous activity.

Activity 3:

Gather materials from previous centers:

  • Geoblocks, Stage 3
  • How Are They the Same?, Stage 1
  • Compare, Stage 1
  • How Close, Stages 1-3

CCSS Standards

Lesson Timeline

Warm-up 10 min
Activity 1 10 min
Activity 2 10 min
Activity 3 20 min
Lesson Synthesis 10 min
Cool-down 0 min

Teacher Reflection Questions

Think about a time you recently made a mistake during math class. How did you leverage your mistake to show students that mistakes are just learning in process?

Print Formatted Materials

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Student Task Statements pdf docx
Lesson Cover Page pdf docx
Teacher Guide Log In
Teacher Presentation Materials pdf docx
Blackline Masters zip