Lesson 10

Una de las partes, todas las partes

Lesson Purpose

The purpose of this lesson is for students to partition circles and rectangles into halves and fourths, and use precise language to describe the pieces as a half of or a fourth of the whole shape.

Lesson Narrative

In previous lessons, students partitioned circles and rectangles into two and four equal pieces. They learned the terms halves and fourths to describe how the shapes were partitioned. In this lesson, students describe one piece as a half of, a fourth of, or a quarter of a whole shape. Students also learn that they can describe the whole shape as "two of the halves” or "four of the fourths.”
  • Representation
  • MLR2

Learning Goals

Teacher Facing

  • Describe the whole as two of the halves or four of the fourths.
  • Partition circles and rectangles into halves and fourths and describe one piece as “a half of”, “a fourth of” or “a quarter of” the whole shape.

Student Facing

  • Describamos partes iguales de figuras.

Required Materials

Materials to Gather

Materials to Copy

  • Shaded Parts Cards

Required Preparation

Activity 2:

  • Create a set of Shaded Parts Cards for each group of 2.

CCSS Standards


Lesson Timeline

Warm-up 10 min
Activity 1 10 min
Activity 2 15 min
Activity 3 10 min
Lesson Synthesis 10 min
Cool-down 5 min

Teacher Reflection Questions

What part of the lesson went really well today in terms of students’ learning? What did you do that made that part go well?

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Student Task Statements pdf docx
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Teacher Presentation Materials pdf docx
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