Lesson 16
Identifiquemos quarters
Warm-up: Conteo grupal: Contemos de 5 en 5 (10 minutes)
The purpose of this Choral Count is for students to practice counting on by 5 and to notice patterns in the count. These understandings help students develop fluency and will be helpful later in this lesson and future lessons when students show their thinking when finding total values of sets of coins.
- “Cuenten de 5 en 5, empezando en 15” // “Count by 5, starting at 15.”
- Record in a single row as students count.
- Stop counting and recording at 85.
- “Cuenten de 5 en 5, empezando en 40” // “Count by 5, starting at 40.”
- Record in a single row directly below the first count as students count. Put 40 directly below 20, so that the fives and zeros in the ones place of each number are aligned.
- Stop counting and recording at 100.
- “¿Qué patrones ven?” // “What patterns do you see?”
- 1–2 minutes: quiet think time
- Record responses.
Student Response
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Activity Synthesis
- “ ¿Quién puede describir el patrón con otras palabras?” // “Who can restate the pattern in different words?”
- “¿Alguien quiere compartir otra observación sobre por qué ocurre ese patron aquí?” // “Does anyone want to add an observation as to why that pattern is happening here?”
Activity 1: ¿Cuánto vale un quarter? (20 minutes)
The purpose of this activity is for students to learn the value of a quarter and find combinations of coins that have the same value as a set of quarters. Look for ways students use what they know about tens and ones and counting by 10 and 5 as they reason about different ways to represent the same value in cents. Listen for ways students make connections between the value of a coin and the number of coins needed to represent the same value (MP8).
It would be helpful for students to have access to real coins or plastic coins, but if they are not available students can cut out coins using the money blackline master.
This activity uses MLR7 Compare and Connect. Advances: representing, conversing
Required Materials
Materials to Copy
- Coins to Cut and Count
Required Preparation
- Take down or cover the coin poster before the launch.
- Add a quarter to the money chart showing the front and back.
- Each group of 2 needs access to a copy of the blackline master or a collection of real or plastic coins.
- Groups of 2
- Take down or cover the coin poster.
- Give students access to coins or a copy of the coins to cut out the quarters, nickels, dimes, and pennies.
- “Tómense unos minutos para completar la tabla teniendo en cuenta lo que ya saben. No olviden usar el símbolo de los centavos cuando escriban los valores” // “Take a few minutes to fill in the chart based on what you know. Don’t forget to use the cent symbol when writing the values.”
- 2 minutes: partner work time
- Display coin poster with quarter added.
- “Ahora comparen con el póster para ver si nombraron las monedas correctamente” // “Now compare with the poster to see if you named them all correctly.”
- Point to the quarter.
- “¿Alguien sabe el nombre en inglés y el valor de esta moneda?” // “Does anyone know the name and value of this coin?” (It’s a quarter and it’s worth 25 cents.)
- “Un quarter vale 25 centavos. La moneda es más grande que un nickel. Usualmente dice ‘quarter dollar’ en la parte delantera. Los quarters tienen diferentes imágenes en la parte trasera, pero siempre son del mismo tamaño” // “A quarter is worth 25 cents. The coin is larger than a nickel. It usually says ‘quarter dollar’ on the front. Quarters have many different things on the back, but they are always the same size.”
- “Hoy van a encontrar el valor de unos cuantos grupos de monedas y a encontrar otra manera de formar la misma cantidad usando monedas diferentes” // “Today, you will find the value of a few sets of coins and find another way to make the same amount using different coins.”
- “Pueden representar las monedas con dibujos o pueden pegar en la página las monedas que recortaron” // “You can represent coins with drawings or you can glue the coins you have cut out onto the page.”
- As needed:
- Show students how to draw and label circles to represent coin values.
- Instruct students to use coins or cut out coins to help them.
- “Cuando sea posible, traten de usar quarters” // “Try to use quarters when possible.”
- 10 minutes: independent work time
- “Comparen con un compañero” // “Compare with a partner.”
- 5 minutes: partner discussion
- Monitor for students who:
- use only dimes or a combination of different coins to show 80¢
- use the least amount of coins to show 80¢
- find ways to include a quarter each time that quarters are not given
Student Facing
Escribe los nombres en inglés y los valores de las monedas que conoces.

Completa la tabla para que cada fila muestre el valor en centavos y muestre dos grupos diferentes de monedas que tengan ese valor.

Student Response
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Advancing Student Thinking
If students try to use the same coins each time, consider asking:
- “¿Hay otra manera de formar esta cantidad usando todos los tipos de moneda?” // “Is there another way to make this amount using all the different coins?”
- “¿Cómo puedes usar un quarter para encontrar la misma cantidad?” // “How can you use a quarter to help you find the same amount?”
Activity Synthesis
- Share and display the different ways students used coins to show a value of 80¢.
- “¿En qué se parecen y en qué son diferentes los grupos de monedas?” // “What is the same and what is different between the groups of coins?”
- “¿Por qué es útil usar quarters para formar un valor determinado?” // “What is helpful about using quarters to make a certain value?” (You can use fewer coins.)
- Invite previously identified students to show how they used quarters each time to find values using fewer coins.
Activity 2: Más monedas para comparar (15 minutes)
The purpose of this activity is for students to find the value of sets of coins that include a quarter and to make connections between the value of a coin and the number of coins needed to represent a given value. As students reason about how to represent a given value with coins, listen for the language they use to describe the value of the coins they use. Some students may consider starting with a coin with the largest value because they can reach the total faster. Others may also show what they know about place value to use dimes and pennies to show a number of ten cents and one cents (MP7).
Supports accessibility for: Organization; Attention
- Groups of 2
- “Ahora van a encontrar el valor de 2 grupos de monedas en los que hay quarters. Después, van a hacer sus propios grupos de monedas que tienen un valor determinado” // “Now, you will find the value of 2 sets of coins including quarters. Then you'll make your own sets of coins that have a given value.”
- “En cada grupo de monedas, marquen las monedas que usaron y muestren su valor” // “Circle the coins used in each set and show the value.”
- 8 minutes: independent work time
- Monitor for students who:
- count on from the coin with the largest value
- group like coins and add the value of each group
- use equations or clear labels to keep track of their thinking
- “Comparen su grupo de monedas con un compañero para ver en qué se parecen y en qué son diferentes” // “Compare your set of coins with a partner to see how they were similar or different.”
- 2 minutes: partner discussion
- Monitor for different ways students made a set of coins with a value of 97 cents to share in the Lesson Synthesis, including:
- using dimes and pennies to match the tens and ones
- using quarters, then dimes, then pennies to use the fewest amount of coins
Student Facing
Monedas de Elena
Elena tiene:
¿Cuántos centavos hay? Muestra cómo pensaste.
Monedas de Tyler
Tyler tiene:
¿Cuántos centavos hay? Muestra cómo pensaste.
Haz tu propio grupo de monedas que tenga un valor de 97¢.
Haz tu propio grupo de monedas que tenga un valor de 66¢. Usa la menor cantidad posible de monedas.
Student Response
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Advancing Student Thinking
If students combine coins to find the value, but do not use the fewest number of coins possible for problem 4, consider asking:
- “¿Cómo sabes que tus monedas tienen un valor de 66 centavos?” // “How do you know your coins have a value of 66 cents?”
- “¿Como sabes que usaste el menor número de monedas?” // “How do you know you have used the fewest number of coins?”
- “¿Hay alguna forma en la que podrías cambiar un grupo de tus monedas por 1 moneda que valga la misma cantidad de centavos?” // “Is there a way you could swap out a group of your coins for 1 coin that's worth the same amount of cents?”
Activity Synthesis
- Invite previously identified students to share how they found the value of Elena's coins.
- “Cuando tenemos un grupo de monedas de diferentes valores, ¿qué métodos usan para encontrar el valor total?” // “When we have a group of coins with different values, what are some methods you use to find the total?” (Grouping like coins, starting with the greater values first, counting on by 5 or 10.)
- As time permits, invite students to share how they counted Tyler's coins.
Lesson Synthesis
Lesson Synthesis
“Hoy encontraron el valor de grupos de monedas y usaron el signo de centavos para mostrar la unidad. Al igual que cuando compusimos números de distintas formas con diferentes números de centenas, decenas y unidades, podemos usar combinaciones diferentes de monedas para formar el mismo valor en centavos” // “Today you found the value of sets of coins and used the cent sign to show the unit. Just like when we composed numbers in different ways with different numbers of hundreds, tens, and ones, we can use different combinations of coins to make the same value in cents.”
Invite previously selected students to share their reasoning.
“Había diferentes maneras de formar 97¢. ¿En qué se parecen la forma en la que _____ lo mostró y la forma en la que _____ lo hizo? ¿En qué son diferentes?” // “There were different ways to make 97¢. What is the same or different about how _____ showed it and _____ showed it?”
Cool-down: Las monedas en el bolsillo de Tyler (5 minutes)
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