Lesson 13
¿Es a.m. o p.m.?
Warm-up: Conteo grupal: Contemos con el reloj (10 minutes)
The purpose of this Choral Count is for students to practice counting by 5-minute intervals. This will be helpful later in this lesson when students tell time to the nearest 5 minutes. It is important to note that after 3:55, the count switches to the next hour, 4:00, and begins again. Students may continue with 3:60. If this happens, use a demonstration clock to show the minute hand moving around the clock as students count. Students have been telling time to the hour since grade 1 and will likely realize it is __ o’clock, not __:60. Students may also be unsure of what to say for 4:05. Stop to discuss how students may have heard this time. Explain that we often say “O-5” when it is 5 minutes after the hour.
- “Contemos de 5 minutos en 5 minutos, empezando en 3:45” // “Count on by 5 minutes, starting at 3:45.”
- Record as students count.
- Stop counting and recording at 5:00.
- “Los relojes digitales representan la hora usando dígitos. ¿Qué patrones ven?” // “Digital clocks represent time using digits. What patterns do you see?”
- 1–2 minutes: quiet think time
- Record responses.
Student Response
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Activity Synthesis
- “¿En dónde ven un cambio en el patrón de conteo de 5 en 5?” // “Where do you see a change in the pattern of counting by 5?” (After 55, we go back to 0, or o’clock, instead of 60.)
Activity 1: ¿Qué momento del día es? (20 minutes)
The purpose of this activity is for students to make sense of a visual representation of the hours in 1 day. This visual is designed to help students see the hours that make up a.m. and p.m. Since this is a linear representation, students might mention that the visual looks like a number line. It would be helpful to point out ways the 2 visuals are alike and ways they are different. For example, students may notice that the same 12 hours are repeated in each part of the day, but numbers do not repeat on a number line. Students have opportunities to develop logical arguments for why an event may happen during a.m. or p.m. hours and critique the arguments of others (MP3).
This activity uses MLR8 Discussion Supports. Advances: listening, conversing
Required Materials
Required Preparation
- Create the Hours in a Day Timeline to display to students in the launch.
- Label the representation as “1 day.”

- Groups of 2
- “Clare empieza la escuela a las 8:00” // “Clare starts school at 8:00.”
- “Clare se acuesta a dormir a las 8:00” // “Clare’s bedtime is 8:00.”
- “¿Cómo pueden estas dos afirmaciones ser verdaderas?” // “How could both of these statements be true?” (School starts in the morning and bedtime is at night. There is an 8:00 in the morning and another 8:00 at night.)
- 30 seconds: quiet think time
- 1 minute: partner discussion
- Share responses.
- Display a prepared timeline.
- “¿Qué observan? ¿Qué se preguntan?” // “What do you notice? What do you wonder?” (It represents 1 day. Half is a.m. and half is p.m. Noon and midnight are labeled.)
- 1 minute: partner discussion
- Share responses.
- “Cada día está partido en 2 partes, llamadas a.m. y p.m. Pensamos en a.m. como la mañana y en p.m. como la tarde y la noche” // “Each day is broken up into 2 parts, called a.m. and p.m. We think of a.m. as morning and p.m. as afternoon and night.”
- Give each student a timeline, scissors, and access to glue.
- “Recorten las dos partes del día y péguenlas juntas. Marquen y escriban en el diagrama cuándo desayunan, cuándo almuerzan y cuándo cenan. Después, sombreen todas las horas en las que pueden estar dormidos” // “Cut out the two parts of the day and glue them together. Circle and label when you eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner on the diagram. Then shade in all the times you might be sleeping.”
- 5 minutes: independent work time
- Share responses.
- “Ahora van a pensar en qué parte del día pueden ocurrir diferentes cosas. Decidan si ocurrirían en las horas a.m. (mañana) o en las horas p.m. (tarde o noche)” // “Now you are going to think about what part of a day different things might happen. Decide whether they would happen in the a.m. (morning) or p.m. (afternoon or night).”
- “Cuando tomen la decisión, explíquenle a su pareja cómo pensaron” // “When you make your choice, explain your thinking to your partner.”
MLR8 Discussion Supports
- Display sentence frames to support students when they discuss why an event would happen in the a.m. or p.m.:
- “Esto ocurriría en las horas a.m./p.m. porque...” // “This would happen in the a.m./pm. because …”
- “Estoy de acuerdo porque...” // “I agree because …”
- “Estoy en desacuerdo porque...” // “I disagree because …”
- 5 minutes: partner work time
Student Facing
Usa los materiales que te entrega tu profesor para crear tu propia representación de las horas del día.
Marca y escribe en el diagrama cuándo desayunas, cuándo almuerzas y cuándo cenas.
Sombrea cuándo puedes estar dormido.
- Llena el espacio en blanco con a.m. o p.m. para mostrar la hora del día de cada actividad. Explícale a tu pareja cómo pensaste.
- Diego va al entrenamiento de béisbol a las 3:00 __________.
- Mai desayuna a las 7:00 __________.
- Tyler almuerza a las 12:00 __________.
- Elena pasea su perro a las 2:00 __________.
- Han sube al bus que lo lleva a la escuela a las 8:00 __________.
- La clase de segundo grado toma la merienda a las 10:00 __________.
Student Response
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Advancing Student Thinking
If students choose a.m. instead of p.m. or p.m. instead of a.m., consider asking:
- “¿Esta actividad ocurre antes o después de mediodía?” // “Would this activity happen before or after noon?”
- “¿Esta actividad ocurre en la mañana, en la tarde o en la noche?” // “Would this activity happen in the morning, afternoon, or evening?”
Activity Synthesis
- “Tenían que decidir si Elena saca a su perro a caminar a las 2:00 a.m. o p.m.” // “You had to decide if Elena walks her dog at 2:00 a.m. or p.m.”
- “Expliquen el razonamiento que los llevó a su respuesta” // “Explain your reasoning for your answer.” (2:00 p.m. because 2 a.m. is in the middle of the night. Most people would not walk their dog in the middle of the night.)
- Point to the timeline display to show where 2:00 a.m. is on the diagram and explain that it is morning, but that we sleep during the early morning hours.
- “Como las horas se repiten dos veces al día, necesitamos decir a.m. o p.m. para que sea claro qué hora queremos decir” // “Since the hours repeat twice a day, we need to say a.m. or p.m. to be clear about the time we mean.”
Activity 2: Leamos la hora con a.m. y p.m. (15 minutes)
The purpose of this activity is for students to practice telling and writing time from an analog clock, using a.m. and p.m. Students are not expected to draw the hands on the clock precisely, but it is important that they think about the relative position of the hour hand based on the hour and the minutes that have passed. When students explain whether the time is a.m. or p.m. and how they draw the hour hand on the analog clock, they attend to precision (MP6).
Supports accessibility for: Conceptual Processing, Memory
- Groups of 2
- “Hemos mirado relojes análogos y hemos leído la hora teniendo en cuenta en dónde están las manecillas del reloj” // “We have been looking at analog clocks and telling time based on where the hands are on the clock.”
- “Ahora van a escribir a.m. o p.m. en las actividades. Después, unan con una línea cada actividad al reloj digital que muestra la hora en la que la actividad podría ocurrir” // “Now you are going to label activities with a.m. or p.m. Then draw a line to the digital clock that shows the time the activity could take place.”
- “Después van a dibujar las manecillas del reloj para mostrar la misma hora del reloj digital” // “Then you will draw the hands on the clock to show the same time as the digital clock.”
- “Usen cada reloj una sola vez” // “Use each clock only once.”
- 3 minutes: independent work time
- 5 minutes: partner work time
Student Facing
- En cada actividad, escribe a.m. o p.m.
- Une con una línea cada actividad a una hora en la que podría ocurrir.
- Dibuja las manecillas del reloj para mostrar la hora.
hacer tareas ____________
alistarse para dormir ____________
almorzar ____________
ir a la escuela ____________
dormido en la cama ____________
Student Response
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Advancing Student Thinking
If students do not explain their choices to their partner or give feedback on how they show the time, consider asking:
- “¿Estás de acuerdo con que esta actividad ocurre en las horas a.m. o en las horas p.m.? ¿Por qué sí o por qué no?” // “Do you agree that this activity would happen in an a.m. time or p.m. time? Why or why not?”
- “¿Estás de acuerdo o en desacuerdo con la manera en la que tu pareja dibujó la manecilla de los minutos y la de las horas? Explica” // “Do you agree or disagree with how your partner drew the hour and minute hand? Explain.”
- “¿Tienes alguna sugerencia sobre cómo tu pareja podría dibujar la manecilla de los minutos y la de las horas para que fuera más fácil leer la hora? ” // “Do you have any suggestions for how your partner could draw the minute and hour hands to make it easier to read the time?”
Activity Synthesis
- Invite students to share whether each activity would be a.m. or p.m.
- Invite students to share the hour they chose and how they showed the time on the analog clock.
- Consider asking:
- “¿Por qué escogieron esta hora?” // “Why did you choose this time?”
- “¿Cómo decidieron en dónde dibujar la manecilla de los minutos?” // “How did you decide where to draw the minute hand?”
- “¿Cómo decidieron en dónde dibujar la manecilla de las horas?” // “How did you decide where to draw the hour hand?”
Lesson Synthesis
Lesson Synthesis
“Hoy aprendimos que las horas del día se dividen en 2 grupos que se llaman a.m. y p.m. Aprendimos que, por lo general, se piensa en a.m. como la mañana y en p.m. como la tarde y la noche” // “Today we learned that the hours in a day are split into 2 groups called a.m. and p.m. We learned that a.m. is usually thought of as morning and p.m. is thought of as afternoon and night.”
- ”despertarse” //“wake up”
- ”almorzar” //“eat lunch”
- ”leer un libro antes de dormir” //“read a book before bed”
- ”lavarse los dientes” //“brush teeth”
“Cuéntenle a su pareja a qué hora ustedes pueden hacer cada una de estas actividades. Incluyan a.m. o p.m. en la hora” // “Tell your partner what time you might do each of these activities. Include a.m. or p.m. with the time.”
Share responses.
Cool-down: Representa la hora (5 minutes)
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Student Section Summary
Student Facing
En esta sección, aprendimos a leer relojes para decir y escribir la hora a los 5 minutos más cercanos. Contando de 5 en 5, empezando en el número 1, podemos decir la hora en horas y minutos. También podemos usar ‘y media’, ‘y cuarto’ o ‘un cuarto para’ para decir la hora cuando la manecilla de los minutos está en determinadas posiciones. Para mostrar el momento del día, usamos a.m. y p.m. cuando decimos y escribimos la hora.