Lesson 19
Conversemos sobre la basura
Warm-up: Observa y pregúntate: Basura y hielo (10 minutes)
The purpose of this Notice and Wonder is to introduce the idea of large amounts of trash floating on the water. In an earlier unit, students saw that large amounts of trash are shipped around the world. Before reconsidering trash in a volume context, this lesson focuses on the area that trash covers in some parts of the ocean. Students may notice and wonder many things about the image. The key discussion points are that the debris seen in the image is mostly trash and it covers a large area.
- Groups of 2
- Display the image.
- “¿Qué observan? ¿Qué se preguntan?’ // “What do you notice? What do you wonder?”
- 1 minute: quiet think time
- “Discutan con su pareja lo que pensaron” // “Discuss your thinking with your partner.”
- 1 minute: partner discussion
- Share and record responses.
Student Facing
¿Qué observas? ¿Qué te preguntas?

Student Response
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Activity Synthesis
- “Esta imagen muestra cómo se ven algunas partes de los océanos. Las cosas pequeñas que flotan en el agua son basura” // "The image shows what it looks like in some parts of the oceans. The small things floating on the water are trash."
- “¿Cómo creen que la basura llega al océano?” // "How do you think trash gets into the ocean?" (People throw things away near the ocean. People throw things into the ocean when they are on boats.)
Activity 1: Kilómetros cuadrados (10 minutes)
In previous grades, students worked with metric units of length. The purpose of this activity is to reason about the size of a kilometer. Students consider the distance they might walk or run, perhaps to and from school or during sports practice, and they also consider other lengths that they might be familiar with such as going across town or taking a bike ride or the distance to a friend's house. Building an intuition for large numbers or distances or other measurements takes a lot of time and practice. The intent of this activity is to begin this work informally. A wide variety of answers should be expected and the goal of the synthesis is to share this variety and come to a general agreement of approximately how far a kilometer, or some number of kilometers, is.
Supports accessibility for: Conceptual Processing, Memory, Attention
Required Materials
Materials to Gather
- Groups of 2
- Lay a meter stick on the ground.
- “Tyler caminó desde su salón hasta la cafetería y dijo: ‘Yo creo que esto es aproximadamente un kilómetro’. ¿Están de acuerdo con Tyler?” // “Tyler walked from his classroom to the cafeteria. He said, ‘I think that’s about a kilometer.’ Do you agree with Tyler?” (No, a kilometer is a long distance, it's 1,000 meters, and it is not that far from a classroom to the cafeteria.)
- 1 minute: quiet think time
- 1–2 minutes: partner discussion
- Give students access to meter sticks.
- 2 minutes: independent work time
- 3–4 minutes: partner discussion
- Monitor for students who have different answers and explanations for the question about the distance between their home and school including:
- less because I can walk there really quickly
- less because it’s no more than 1 or 2 lengths of a soccer field
- about a kilometer because I sometimes walk, so it’s not too far, but it’s also not real close
- more than a kilometer as I take a bus and it's a long trip
Student Facing
- Mai caminó 2 veces alrededor de un campo de fútbol. Ella piensa que caminó aproximadamente 1 kilómetro. ¿Estás de acuerdo con Mai? Muestra o explica tu razonamiento.
En cada caso, decide si la distancia es menor que un kilómetro, aproximadamente un kilómetro o mayor que un kilómetro.
- la distancia que hay de un lado al otro del estado en el que vives
- la distancia que hay de tu casa a tu escuela
- la distancia que hay de tu salón al baño
- la distancia que recorres en automóvil en unas vacaciones
Student Response
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Advancing Student Thinking
If students do not recognize the distance of a kilometer, give them a meter stick and ask, “Estima distancias alrededor de la escuela que creas que son de 1 metro, de 10 metros y de 100 metros” // “Estimate distances around the school that would be 1 meter, 10 meters, and 100 meters.”
Activity Synthesis
- Invite students to share their responses for how far it is from school to where they live.
- “¿Cuántos metros hay en un kilómetro?” // “How many meters are there in a kilometer?” (1,000)
- “¿Aproximadamente cuántos pasos hay que dar para avanzar 1 metro?” // “About how many steps does it take to go 1 meter?” (2)
- “¿Aproximadamente cuántos pasos hay que dar para avanzar 1,000 metros (es decir, 1 kilómetro)?” // “About how many steps does it take to go 1000 meters or 1 kilometer?” (2,000)
- “¿2,000 pasos nos ayuda a hacernos una idea de cuánto es 1 kilómetro?” // “Does 2,000 steps help communicate how far 1 km is?” (Yes. That's a lot but I can count to 1,000 and take that many steps so it’s not too far. No. 1,000 steps is a lot, too much for me to imagine.)
Activity 2: Tanta basura (25 minutes)
In the previous activity students developed an intuition for the size of a kilometer. The purpose of this activity is to calculate the area of different states in square kilometers and compare them to the area occupied by the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a large collection of trash floating in the Pacific Ocean. This activity has several distinct goals:
- communicate the enormity of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
- continue to build a sense of distances by looking at a map of the United States and thinking about the sizes of different states
- multiply large numbers, most likely using the standard algorithm
- calculate a product of two 3-digit numbers for the first time
Students calculate the areas of different states in order to grasp the enormity of a floating area of trash in the Pacific Ocean. It turns out that this area is substantially larger than most states! As they calculate areas of different states, students will use the standard multiplication algorithm and estimation. Estimation plays an important role because the area of New Mexico is a product of two 3-digit numbers. Students are prepared to make and understand this calculation but it also provides an opportunity to see the power of estimation because the area of New Mexico can be readily compared with the area of the Great Garbage Patch without calculating the exact area. For the last question, students use the area of the states they calculated and apply that to a map of the United States.
Students model with mathematics when they make assumptions about the states, for example that they are approximated by rectangles, in order to calculate or estimate their area and when they choose states whose area is approximately equal to the area of the Great Garbage Patch (MP4).
Advances: Reading, Representing
- Groups of 2
- “La Isla de basura del Pacífico es una gran región del Océano Pacífico en la que se ha acumulado mucha basura que flota en el agua. Vamos a comparar el tamaño de esta región del océano con el tamaño de distintos estados de los Estados Unidos” // “The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a large area in the Pacific Ocean where trash has accumulated and floats on top of the water. We are going to compare the size of this part of the ocean to different states in the United States.”
- Display an image of the state you live in.
- “¿Qué saben sobre el tamaño de nuestro estado?” // “What do you know about the size of our state?”
- Highlight Rhode Island, Delaware, and New Mexico on the map in the student workbook so students can visualize the states and their relative sizes.
- 5–8 minutes: independent work time
- 5–8 minutes: partner discussion
- Monitor for students who:
- use the standard algorithm to find the areas of Rhode Island and Delaware
- use the standard algorithm to find the area of New Mexico
- show the size of the garbage patch differently on the map of the United States
Student Facing
La Isla de basura del Pacífico es una gran región del Océano Pacífico en la que se ha acumulado mucha basura. Según algunas estimaciones, la basura cubre alrededor de 1,000,000 de kilómetros cuadrados.
- Rhode Island es el estado más pequeño. Este mide aproximadamente 77 km de largo y 60 km de ancho. ¿Cuál es más grande: la isla de basura o Rhode Island? Explica o muestra tu razonamiento.
- Delaware mide aproximadamente 154 km de largo y 48 km de ancho. ¿Cuál es más grande: la Isla de basura o Delaware? Explica o muestra tu razonamiento.
- Nuevo México mide aproximadamente 596 km de largo y 552 km de ancho. ¿Cuál es más grande: la Isla de basura o Nuevo México?
- Marca una región del mapa de los Estados Unidos que creas que es una buena estimación del área de la Isla de basura. Explica cómo pensaste.
Student Response
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Activity Synthesis
- Invite students to share their calculations for Delaware.
- “¿Tiene Delaware un tamaño parecido al de la Isla de basura? ¿Cómo lo saben?” // “Is Delaware close in size to the garbage patch? How do you know?” (No, it is not close at all. 1,000,000 is a lot more than 7,392.)
- “¿La Isla de basura tiene más que o menos que 10 veces el tamaño de Delaware?” // “Is the garbage patch more or less than 10 times as large as Delaware?” (Much more, because that’s only about 70,000 which is way less than a million.)
- “¿La isla de basura tiene más que o menos que 100 veces el tamaño de Delaware?” // “Is the garbage patch more or less than 100 times as large as Delaware?” (More, because that’s about 700,000 square kilometers.)
- “¿Cómo podrían estimar el área de Nuevo México?” // “How could you estimate the area of New Mexico?”(596 is real close to 600 which is a nice number. 552 is harder, but if I say that’s about 500 then I get an estimate of \(600 \times 500\) or 300,000.)
- “¿Cómo decidieron qué área marcar en el mapa?” // “How did you decide which area to circle on the map?”(New Mexico was the biggest and 3 New Mexicos would make about 1,000,000 square miles so I circled 3 states close in size to New Mexico.)
Lesson Synthesis
Lesson Synthesis
“Hoy estudiamos la Isla de basura del Pacífico, que tiene un área de aproximadamente 1,000,000 de kilómetros cuadrados. Nos dimos cuenta de qué tan grande es comparándola con varios estados” // “Today we looked at the Great Garbage Patch which has an area of about 1,000,000 square kilometers. We saw how big that is by comparing it to different states.”
“Si la Isla de basura del Pacífico fuera un rectángulo, ¿cuáles podrían ser las longitudes de sus lados?” // “If the great garbage patch were a rectangle, what could its side lengths be?” (It could be 1,000,000 kilometers by 1 kilometer but 1,000,000 kilometers is too long. It could be 1,000 kilometers by 1,000 kilometers. I could triple one of the lengths of New Mexico so it could be about 1,800 kilometers by 550 kilometers.)
“Gran parte de la basura que hay en la Isla de basura del Pacífico es plástico. Mañana vamos a investigar sobre la cantidad de plástico reciclable que producimos cada año” // “Much of the garbage in the Great Garbage Patch is plastic. Tomorrow we will investigate the amount of recyclable plastic we produce each year.”
Cool-down: Wyoming (5 minutes)
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