Lesson 1

How Would You Describe These Figures?

Lesson Purpose

The purpose of this lesson is to motivate the need for geometric language for describing and drawing images and to introduce points, lines, and segments. 

Lesson Narrative

In earlier grades, students examined, described, compared, and contrasted attributes of two-dimensional figures. They may have used geometric terms such as point, line, and segment intuitively and informally.

This lesson serves two goals. The first is to elicit the language students have for talking about geometric figures, motivating a need to develop more precision in using geometric terminology (MP6). The second is to enable students to see that a line segment is a part of a line, so it has a start point and an endpoint. The cool-down for this lesson is designed to determine the types of words students use to describe figures. Students may choose to use informal or formal language.

In the next lesson, students will encounter the formal definitions of these geometric terms, but for now, the aim is simply to engage them in noticing and drawing these geometric figures. It is not necessary to expect students to distinguish between line segments and lines in this lesson.

  • Action and Expression

Learning Goals

Teacher Facing

  • Draw points, lines, and line segments, and identify them in geometric figures.

Student Facing

  • Let’s draw and describe geometric figures.

Required Materials

Materials to Gather

Materials to Copy

  • Do You See What I See?

Required Preparation

Activity 1:

  • Create a set of 4 cards from the blackline master for each group of 2.
  • Create a poster with the two images shown in activity synthesis. 

CCSS Standards


Lesson Timeline

Warm-up 5 min
Activity 1 25 min
Activity 2 15 min
Lesson Synthesis 10 min
Cool-down 5 min

Teacher Reflection Questions

This is the first time students have formally encountered geometry in grade 4. What vocabulary did students bring to the lesson? How might you use their informal language to make formal connections in the next lesson?

Suggested Centers

  • Rolling for Fractions (3–5), Stage 2: Multiply a Fraction by a Whole Number (Supporting)
  • Compare (1–5), Stage 7: Multi-digit Operations (Supporting)

Print Formatted Materials

Teachers with a valid work email address can click here to register or sign in for free access to Cool Down, Teacher Guide, and PowerPoint materials.

Student Task Statements pdf docx
Lesson Cover Page pdf docx
Cool Down Log In
Teacher Guide Log In
Teacher Presentation Materials pdf docx
Blackline Masters zip

Additional Resources

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PowerPoint Slides Log In