K.2 Numbers 1–10
Unit Goals
- Students answer “how many” questions, count out, and compare groups within 10. Students write a number to represent how many.
Section A Goals
- Connect quantities with spoken number words.
- Count and compare up to 10 objects and know the number remains the same regardless of the arrangement of the objects.
Section B Goals
- Connect quantities with spoken number words.
- Count and compare up to 10 images in organized arrangements and know the number remains the same regardless of the order in which the images are counted.
Section C Goals
- Connect quantities with spoken number words and written numbers.
- Understand the relationship between number and quantity.
Section D Goals
- Compare written numbers 1–10.
Section B: Count and Compare Groups of Images
Problem 1
How many dots are there?
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Problem 2
Are there more apples or plates?

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Problem 3
Circle the 5-frame that has more dots.
Circle the group that shows fewer things.
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Problem 4
Circle the 3 groups that show more than this 5-frame.

Circle the 3 groups that show fewer than this 5-frame.

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Problem 5
Here is a drawing.
Draw a picture with more things.
Draw a picture with fewer things.
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Problem 6
Make a set of cards with images.
Some cards can have the same number of images and some cards can have different numbers of images.
Trade your cards with a partner.
Turn over two cards and decide if they have the same number or if one has fewer and one has more.
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Problem 7
Are there fewer students than chairs?
Explain how you know.

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Section C: Connect Quantities and Numbers
Problem 1
Draw a line from each number to the group of dots it matches.
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Problem 2
Here is the number 6.
Count out 6 counters.
You can use a 5-frame if you want.
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Problem 3
Here is the number 8.
Draw a picture showing 8 things.
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Problem 4
What is a “how many” question you can ask about this picture?

Write a number to answer your question.
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Problem 5
Make a shape with two handfuls of pattern blocks.
Ask a “how many” question about your shape.
Trade questions with a partner and answer your partner’s question.
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Problem 6
Han says he sees 5.
Lin says she sees 4.
Tyler says he sees 3.
Explain or show how Han, Lin, and Tyler can all be correct.
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Section D: Compare Numbers
Problem 1
Jada put her towers and numbers in order from 1 to 10. Fill in the blanks for the missing numbers.
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Problem 2
Here is a connecting cube tower that Mai made.
Write a number to show how many cubes are in Mai’s tower.
Build a tower that shows 1 more cube than Mai’s tower.
Write a number to show how many cubes are in the new tower.
Build a tower that shows 1 less cube than Mai’s tower.
Write a number to show how many cubes are in the new tower.
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Problem 3
How many triangles are there? Write a number to show how many triangles there are.
How many squares are there? Write a number to show how many squares there are.
- Circle the group that has fewer shapes.
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Problem 4
Show 5 in as many ways as you can.
Show 7 in as many ways as you can.
Circle the number that is more.
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Problem 5
- Circle the number that is more.
- Circle the number that is less.
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Problem 6
What are some different ways to show 6 on your fingers?
Find as many ways as you can.
How are they the same?
How are they different?
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Problem 7
Grab a handful of connecting cubes or pattern blocks or other small objects.
Count the objects and write down a number for how many.
Are there more than 7 or less than 7?
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