Lesson 9
Mi propia bandera (optional)
Warm-up: Observa y pregúntate (10 minutes)
The purpose of this warm-up is for students to discuss the meaning and intention behind flag design, which will be useful when students design their own flag in a later activity. While students may notice and wonder many things about these images, the colors, symbols, and the shapes used in the flag are the important discussion points. In the synthesis, students consider questions to ask the designers of the flag. As an extension to this warm up, students can further explore these questions to learn more about the flag.
- Groups of 2
- Display the image.
- “¿Qué observan? ¿Qué se preguntan?” // “What do you notice? What do you wonder?”
- 1 minute: quiet think time
- “Discutan con su compañero lo que pensaron” // “Discuss your thinking with your partner.”
- 1 minute: partner discussion
- Share and record responses.
Student Facing
¿Qué observas? ¿Qué te preguntas?

Student Response
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Activity Synthesis
- “La primera imagen es la bandera de Botswana” // “The first image is the flag of Botswana.” If needed show students where Botswana is on the map.
- “La segunda imagen es la bandera de Taiwán” // “The second image is the flag of Taiwan.” If needed show students where Taiwan is on the map.
- “¿Qué preguntas le harían a los diseñadores de estas banderas?” // “What are some questions you might ask the designer of these flags?” (What do the different colors represent? Why is there a sun on the second flag?)
Activity 1: Principios del diseño de banderas (20 minutes)
The purpose of this activity is for students to understand the principles of flag design from the North American Vexillological Association. Students make sense of what each principle means. Then they look at a series of flags and determine which principles the flag most strongly exemplifies. Students will use these principles to create a meaningful flag of their own in the next activity.
This activity uses MLR2 Collect and Display. Advances: Conversing, Reading, Writing.
- Display the principles.
- Assign a principle to each group to ensure that each one is covered.
MLR2 Collect and Display
- 8 minutes: partner work time
- Circulate, listen for and collect the language students use to describe each principle. Listen for: simple shapes, a few colors, no letters, seals, or stamp, colors mean something, unique, different, related, connection.
- Record students’ words and phrases on a visual display and update it throughout the lesson.
Student Facing
Tu profesor les asignará un principio de diseño de banderas. Discutan con su compañero qué significa ese principio. ¿Por qué ese principio es importante para el diseño de banderas?
Principios del buen diseño de banderas
- Mantener la sencillez
- Usar simbolismo con significado
- Usar de 2 a 3 colores básicos
- No usar letras ni sellos
- Ser diferente de las otras o estar relacionada con otras
- Explica o muestra de qué manera las banderas del calentamiento representan los principios del diseño de banderas.

Student Response
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Activity Synthesis
MLR2 Collect and Display
- “¿Qué otras palabras o frases importantes deberíamos incluir en nuestra presentación?” // “Are there any other words or phrases that are important to include on our display?”
- As students share responses, update the display, by adding (or replacing) language, diagrams, or annotations.
- Remind students to borrow language from the display as needed.
- “En la siguiente actividad, van a usar estos principios de diseño para crear su propia bandera” // “In the next activity, you will use these design principles to create your own flag.”
- “¿Cuál principio podría ser el más retador?” // “Which principle might be the most challenging to follow?” (Be distinctive because there are so many flags already. Mine may not be unique.)
Activity 2: Mi bandera (20 minutes)
The purpose of this activity is for students to make their own flags and analyze them. Students will use their experience with multiplying fractions to answer area questions related to their flag. Some students may include non-rectangular designs. Encourage them to relate the area of their shape to a rectangle and estimate.
When students design their own flag and determine or estimate the area of each color fabric they need to make the flag they model with mathematics (MP4).
Supports accessibility for: Conceptual Processing, Organization
Required Materials
Materials to Gather
Required Preparation
- Each student needs a ruler, a set of colored pencils or crayons, and a piece of paper.
- Give each student white paper.
- “Usen los principios de diseño que discutimos en la última actividad para diseñar su propia bandera” // “Use the design principles we discussed in the last activity to make your own flag.”
- “Cuando hagan su diseño, piensen en lo que significa cada símbolo y cada color que usen” // “As you make the design, think about the meaning of each symbol and color you use.”
- 15 minutes: independent work time
- 5 minutes: partner discussion
Student Facing
- Diseña tu bandera.
- Imagina que estás haciendo tu bandera con tela. Si mides en pulgadas cuadradas, ¿aproximadamente cuánta tela de cada color vas a necesitar?
- Intercambia banderas con un compañero.
- Describe el significado de cada símbolo y de cada color que usaste.
- ¿Cómo ves que cada uno de los principios de diseño se cumple en la bandera de tu compañero?
Student Response
Teachers with a valid work email address can click here to register or sign in for free access to Student Response.
Advancing Student Thinking
If students do not have a strategy to determine how much fabric is needed, ask “¿Qué medidas te pueden ayudar a descifrar cuánta tela necesitas?” // “What measurements can help you figure out how much fabric you need?”
Activity Synthesis
- Invite a few students to share their flag and describe the different features.